Upgrade OverOps


OverOps releases application updates periodically, and the new features and updates are described in detail in the latest Release Notes.


Before running an upgrade, you may want to check-out the latest latest software and hardware requirements.


Upgrading the Agent Requires a Collector Upgrade

If you're upgrading the Agent in your system, remember to upgrade the Collector as well, otherwise the Collector will not be able to work with the new Agent.


Upgrade the SaaS Collector and Micro-Agent on Your Local PC/Laptop

Test Your Upgrade the SaaS Collector and Micro-Agent on Your Local PC/Laptop](doc:upgrading-saas-local-collector-agent)

Upgrade the Collector

Upgrade the Linux Collector
Upgraded the Windows Collector

Upgrade the Micro-Agent

Upgrade the Java Micro-Agent for Linux
Upgrade the Micro-Agent - Java & .NET - for Windows

On-Premises Data

Upgrade the Storage Server

Upgrade the On-Premises Data Variable Store


Upgrade the On-Premises Continuous Reliability (CR) Server

Upgrade the On-Premises Continuous Reliability (CR) Server

Upgrade Applications to Run on Java 10 or 11 or J9

Before upgrading any applications to Java 10 or 11 or J9 remember to read the Supported Third-Party Software and Tools first.