Collector Properties
In the file, configure the Collector with the properties described below.
The name of the Collector server. In a typical monolithic web application the actual server IP or VM names are very familiar and has meaning to you, but if you are running on a kubernetes cluster and 1000s of containers running in pods and are going up and down in an highly elastic manner the IPs mean nothing. In those cases your Server Grouping should be named after logical group instances.
Example: prod-app1, prod-api1, prod-api2, prod-service1, prod-sql1, etc.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
Old | TAKIPI_MACHINE_NAME | serverName |
takipi.installation.time (installation.time)
OverOps monitors the Collector installation duration to assess which JVMs require restart. This number is written during installation and is measured in milliseconds.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | TAKIPI_INSTALLATION_TIME | takipi.installation.time |
Old | TAKIPI_INSTALLATION_TIME | installation.time |
takipi.jvm.lib.file (jvmPath)
In the, configure a JVM library, to start the internal JVM for the Collector to execute internal code.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | JVM_LIB_FILE | takipi.jvm.lib.file |
Old | jvmPath | |
Example | takipi.jvm.lib.file=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/amd64/server/ |
takipi.listen.port (listenOnPort)
When using a Remote Collector, from, configure takipi.listen.port to establish a connection to the Agent, see -Dtakipi.collector.port.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | TAKIPI_LISTEN_PORT | takipi.listen.port |
Old | listenOnPort | |
Example | takipi.listen.port=6060 |
takipi.passphrase (passphrase)
When using a Remote Collector, set takipi.passphrase to secure access from the Agent, see: -Dtakipi.collector.passphrase.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | TAKIPI_PASSPHRASE | takipi.passphrase |
Old | passphrase |
takipi.backend.url (baseUrl)
The backend endpoint.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | TAKIPI_BACKEND_URL | takipi.backend.url |
Old | TAKIPI_BASE_URL | baseUrl |
Example | takipi.backend.url= | |
Default | | (s3ConnectionTestUrl)
Set the path to the Storage.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
Old | s3ConnectionTestUrl | |
Example - SaaS | | |
Example - Hybrid | | |
Example - On-Premises |$TAKIPI_HOST:8080/service/png |
takipi.jvm.heap.size (javaHeapSize)
The Collector internal JVM defines small heap and stack sizes. Set takipi.jvm.heap.size for the heap size when using a Remote Collector.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | TAKIPI_JVM_HEAP_SIZE | takipi.jvm.heap.size |
Old | javaHeapSize | |
Example | takipi.jvm.heap.size=1024m |
takipi.http.proxy/takipi.https.proxy (httpProxy/httpsProxy)
When the Collector is running through a proxy, set httpProxy and/or httpsProxy
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | HTTP_PROXY/ | takipi.http.proxy/ |
Old | httpProxy/ httpsProxy | |
Syntax | takipi.http.proxy=httpdPrococol://user:password@proxyHost:proxyPort takipi.https.proxy=httpdPrococol://user:password@proxyHost:proxyPort | |
Example | takipi.https.proxyy=https://proxy:[email protected]:8433 |
The Collector allocates a predefined number of threads to be used for handling the micro-agents. Set takipi.handler.threads to define the thread pool size to be used by the collector. The default value is 50.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | TAKIPI_HANDLER_THREADS | takipi.handler.threads |
Example | takipi.handler.threads=50 |
The Collector assigns a number of micro-agents to be handled by each of the threads. Set takipi.handler.clients to define the maximum number of micro-agents to be handled by each of threads allocated in the collector. The default value is 20.
Together with the variable above (takipi.handler.threads), these 2 variables determine the maximum number of micro-agents the collector will handle. For example, if using: 50 threads x 20 clients = 1,000 agents. The Collector will reject any agent trying to connect above that set limit.
Environment Variable | Properties File | |
New | TAKIPI_HANDLER_CLIENTS | takipi.handler.clients |
Example | takipi.handler.clients=20 |
This flag is enabled by default in remote Collector mode, which is the default installation mode. Unchained means the Collector can use more resources because it's on a separate machine.
Flag | Properties File | Default | Example |
takipi.unchained | | True | takipi.unchained=true |
maxDiskUsagePercentage Attribute
OverOps developed a simple safeguard that prevents the Collector from filling the disk completely, thus rendering the environment non-functional.To this end, the Collector checks for free disk space every time it is about to persist a snapshot, stats or parts thereof, and if the disk space is past a certain percentage, it will write an error to the log, along with the disk space details and the relevant file name.
The default percentage cutoff point (if not specified explicitly) is 0.9 = 90 percent, and is configurable in using the maxDiskUsagePercentage attribute.
For example:
If maxDiskUsagePercentage=0.7 then the Collector will stop writing to the disk when it reaches 70 percent capacity.
Attribute | Properties File | Explanation | |
New | maxDiskUsagePercentage | | This attribute is set by default to 0.90 to ensure that the Collector stops before the disk as at 100 percent. |
Updated about 2 years ago