Install Using Puppet


For the Java Micro-Agent, the Puppet module requires the puppetlabs-stdlib and puppetlabs-java libraries for Java only.


Integrating Puppet with Linux

OverOps supports working with Puppet only on Linux (RedHat, Debian, and Suse) and only when installing the Java Micro-Agent and Collector on the same machine.

Usage of the Java Micro-Agent

Basic Usage

Copy the OverOps module to the Puppet modules path (for example C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\puppet\modules\takipi).

include takipi
class {'::takipi':
secret_key => <INSTALLATION_KEY>,

Usage with a Specific Java Version

For OverOps with a specific Java version, the distribution defines the type of environment, while the JRE or JDK package represents the the full package name.

class {'java':
  distribution          => 'jdk',
  package               => undef,

Usage without an External Java Installation

include takipi
class {'::takipi':
  manage_java => false,
  secret_key  => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',


secret_key - Your Overops secret key/installation key

manage_java - installs Java package. (Default - true).
source - foreign url from which to fetch the Overops files

How does OverOps Affect the Installation when using Puppet?

  • Installs Java on the node where OverOps is going to be installed, handled by puppetlabs-java module. (optional)
  • Installs the OverOps base package.
  • Adds the OverOps installation key (aka secret key) which can be found under the /opt/takipi/work/secret.key) and completes package installation.

Related Documentation

The OverOps Puppet module is available at where you'll find additional detailed instructions.