Previous Versions


An issue detected in release 4.47 related to the secure communication update introduced in this release may cause a stability issue with the Collector. Therefore, we recommend updating your solution to the latest (at least 4.48 or above) version as soon as possible.


Security Updates

The 4.53.x and newer releases includes several important security enhancements and security vulnerabilities fixes related to SAML integration. Customers using SAML and SSO to authenticate & authorize need to take several actions when upgrading the backend with any of these releases, while SaaS customers are required to contact our Support to review and update their SAML settings.
For more information on the specific updates and required steps read here.

Version 4.78 - May 2024

This version requires using Java 11+ to run the Backend and the Collector

Backend & Collector

  • Various dependencies were upgraded to prevent security issues
  • PII feature - new ability to only collect allowed identifiers


  • PII feature - new ability to only collect allowed identifiers

Version 4.77 - March 2024


  • Upgrade Proto to v3
  • Java 21 Support
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix permissions set by the RPM installer
    • Upgrade SAML library used for login


  • Java 21 Support
  • Support Arm - Graviton v2+ with Java 11+

Version 4.76 - February 2024


  • Added ability to delete alerts from Manage Alerts section within the environment's Settings page
  • OverOps Members are no longer able to delete Admin-created Team Views
  • Security enhancements

Version 4.75 - November 2023


  • Bug fix:
    • NullPointerException when trying to login to SSO on OverOps UI after changing to Java 17
  • Security enhancements
    • Updated jQuery to latest version

Version 4.74 - October 2023


  • Bug fix:
    • Jira was not selectable when trying to manage other users' alerts in Manage Alerts section
    • Admin users were not able to view other users' My Views section in the Manage Alerts section

Version 4.73 - June 2023


  • Bug Fix:
    • OverOps agent works correctly when running on Amazon Coretto 17


  • Bug Fix:
    • Jira integration was not connecting
  • Support for Java 17


  • Bug fix:
    • Receiving error 400 when attempting to navigate to a malformed URL
    • A non-admin user can no longer modify user roles for other environment members.
    • Jira integration was not connecting
    • SSO session was not timing out
    • Corrected an issue where users were unable to create new Jira items
  • Added ability to verify MEC token/email using admin-cli command
  • Support for Java 17
  • Security enhancements
    • Grafana Vulnerability, upgraded to latest version

Version 4.72 - March 2023


  • Bug Fixes:
    • Admins are now able to view other admins' Alert settings
  • The fetch events API has been enhanced to have another optional parameter by addinghitId=<numerical hit id>
    • This will return the application, server, and deployment of the event
  • Security enhancements

Version 4.71 - February 2023


  • Added a new parameter:
    This enables caching on the Neo agent. The initial run may take time, but after the first run, the agent will create some cache of our instrumentation in order to improve the times for future runs.
    Note: This may take up more disk space as the agent will write to the specified location, but it will help improve the JVM boot up times. The cache will be written into: /[agent path]/resources/cache/


  • Added improvements to session timeouts due to inactivity (On-Prem feature).

4.70 - November 2022


  • Startup files now rollover with the use of an agent property: takipi.startup.log.limit=[# of bytes per log file]
    - Specify the number of bytes that should be used for the log file
  • Added ability to record every snapshot for a given event.
    - Will need to use the following parameter in the file: takipi.neo.hashed.locals=full.package.Class1[method1_name:local_name,...,methodN_name:local_name],...,full.package.ClassN[method1_name:local_name,...,methodN_name:local_name]
  • Fixed bugs that caused specific JVM fatal crashes by the agent (hotfix added in v4.70.1).


  • Added Source Attach support for Kotlin-based code


  • Provide the ability to disable Load Source Code upload link on ARC screen (On-Prem feature).
  • Enhanced CSP Support.
  • Updated SSO logout screen (On-Prem feature).
  • Added feature to update external OverOps-embedded links from OverOps dashboard (On-Prem feature).
  • Added feature to cause session timeout due to inactivity (On-Prem feature).


  • Resolved the Apache Commons Text Vulnerability (CVE-2022-42889)

4.69.0 October 2022:


  • SSO Login page - on prem version
  • CSP was added
  • Fix alerting bugs (5 minute alerting)
  • Added transfer alerts option


  • Some 3rd party packages were updated

4.67 May 24, 2022


  • Fixed values of variables not showing correctly when using Java 17.
  • Included bug fixes causing JVM to crash.
  • Add settings to allow controlled access to resources.
  • Add settings to allow controlled access to resources.


  • On-prem:
    • Added functionality to view license info through console via the admin-cli command.


  • Corrected issue of ownership of files/directories being changed when performing RPM installation.

4.66.2 April 15, 2022


  • Fixed variable state and description field in the ARC screen.
  • Updated PCF to include missing directories at the time of install.

4.65 January 24, 2022


  • Add settings to allow controlled access to resources.


  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix Variable state and description field in the arc screen.

4.64.2 December 12, 2021

  • Added security improvements and security vulnerabilities fixes
    (Log4j CVE-2021-44228).

4.64.1 November 16, 2021

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix support for SAML Azure.

4.64 November 14, 2021


  • Added support for Java 17.
  • Added support for latest log4j2 versions.
  • Bug fixes:
    • RPM installer changes the symbolic linked folders to root instead of to the user specified in the config file (Collector).
    • Fix issue- host name is not shown when running with AppDynamics.


  • Add possibility to ​​configure role access via LDAP.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix issue changing the environment name without changing SAML/SSO configuration at the same time, when using SAML/SSO.
    • Fix issue failing to connect Bitbucket to OverOps via Source Attach.


  • upgrade Grafana version to 7.5.10.

4.63.1 September 6, 2021


  • Bug fixes:
  • We encountered an issue with Jira components not being set properly which could cause some users to be unable to create new Jira issues or update the JIRA settings.

4.63 August 30, 2021


  • Added support for Java 16.


  • Added outbound connection proxy configuration for jira integration, separated from the existing proxy configuration. (more details and instructions here).
  • Bug fixes:
  • ​​RPM installer changes the symbolic linked folders to root instead of to the user specified in the config file ( version 4.60 )


  • New user experience for OverOps installation wizard.
  • Added capability to set the JIRA “component” field using the Application Name
  • Bug fixes:
  • Source Attach settings timeout from taking too long to load

4.62 July 18, 2021


  • This release includes important security enhancements and security vulnerabilities fixes.
  • global-udf.jar.moved which contains all information about UDFs and their dependencies as been updated and currently holds also a list specifying all 3rd parties and their versions (global-udf.jar.moved location - TAKIPI-SERVER-HOME/lib, the added list location - META-INF/dependencies.txt ).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix error displayed in the Console on the settings page.
    • Remove double H2 file in lib folder for onprem users using H2 database (in versions 4.53.1, 4.60, 4.61).


  • Added security improvements and security vulnerabilities fixes.

4.61 June 16, 2021


  • Fix memory allocation issue.
  • Update default configurations for osx and windows installers:
  • Add a log file to OSX installation ( in the location - /tmp/overops-install.log containing output of commands and more useful information ).
  • Update MSI installer to make agent and collector connect via TCP over IPC.


  • Upgrade xstream library from 1.4.15 to 1.4.17.


  • Add Alpine Agent for download from On-premises backend.


  • Add Help Prompt and Feedback Survey side tab.

4.60 May 5, 2021


  • Added functionality to ignore listed exceptions from your class(es) and the whole inheritance chain. (more details and instructions
  • Added a new file for the Collector (file’s location /takipi/jars/jars.txt) which contains a list of required jars for Collector installation.


  • Added a new file for the Server (file’s location takipi-server/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/backend-jars.txt) which contains a list of required jars for Server installation.


  • Added settings option of Ignored Exceptions which grants the possibility of ignoring listed exceptions from your class(es) and the whole inheritance chain. (more details and instructions

4.59.1 Apr 13, 2021


  • Addressed issue with Java 11.0.9+ and newer.

4.59 Mar 31, 2021


  • Improve throttling mechanism in order to improve performance.
  • Reduce the Agent’s memory footprint.


  • Fixed an issue Dynalite process not stopping when stopping OverOps server.


  • Provide Ansible collection for OverOps -
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fix error log in Jenkins OverOps integration.
  • Fix bug marking an error as “Hidden” on the Jenkins plugin, user is able to hide events that will no longer show on the Quality Report.
  • Fix memory issue in Microsoft Azure Boards OverOps integration.

4.58.1 Mar 4, 2021


  • Bug fix:
  • Internal thread name changes.

4.58 Feb 28, 2021



  • Improve performance by improving queues management and avoiding queues bottleneck.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fix endless loading of dashboard events, when a database row is corrupted.

4.57.1 Feb 14, 2021


  • Bug fixes:
    When Redaction is turned off no events might be recoded

4.57 Feb 1, 2021


  • Reduced the frequency of connection attempts with the collector after 200 unsuccessful tries to be once in 2 mins (will be reset after a successful connection).
  • Fixed an issue in MEC where agent didn’t recognize lowercase environment ID


  • Automatic cleanup script for records which are expired per retention-period for Postgres version 11.7+.
  • Fixed server out of memory issues when SQL connections are not available.

4.56.2 Jan 20, 2021


  • Bug fixes:
  • On premises - Fixed an issue in the onprem backend artifact that affected the upgrade process making the backend not working properly.

4.56.1 Jan 10, 2021


  • Bug fixes:
  • On premises - Added fix to an issue (introduced in 4.55) in the retention period calculation causing it to be shorter than expected.

4.56 Dec 27, 2020


  • Added .NET Core 3.1 and 5 support
  • Fixed an issue with tinylinks that were failing with 1103 error code.
  • .NET Agent - Prevented blacklisting of asp libraries that didn’t show up in the arc screen
  • When the Agent log folder is not detected, it will be recreated.
  • Fixed an issue with rates showing incorrectly in some cases in AIX OS.



  • Published Attaching GIT doc
  • Bug fixes:
  • NPE thrown when Git Blame data is not found from other Gitlab config

4.55.1 Dec 15, 2020


  • SaaS optimizations

4.55 Nov 17, 2020


  • Bug fixes:
  • Improving Agent stability in specific edge cases related to memory allocation
  • Added a mechanism to prevent collecting hits and stats of any kind until we get the initial settings from the collector or that we have loaded a valid settings file from disk
  • Fixed an issue for the Java 10,11 Agent with the Agent’s hashing on a specific setup which caused some hits to be ignored
  • RPM for Agent added support with and takipi.short.url.prefix options (in when upgrading
  • Added ExposedLeasedReport.* to our blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information isn’t collected)
  • Forced-Snapshot is now supported for the Java 10,11 Agent as well


  • Bug fixes:
  • Improving the data retention storage cleanup in cases were some data files were still being accumulated on the storage and additionally handling cleanup of older archived logs of Collector & Agent as per the data retention (for more information read here)
  • Upgrading internal 3rd party libraries


  • New features:
  • AWS S3 Variable Store now supported with AWS Lambda
  • Agent properties can be used to control source attach
  • Updates:
  • Trial users now have unlimited events for the trial period
  • Bug fixes (SaaS):
  • OverOps now able to retrieve tags & branches from On-Premises GitHub/GitLab
  • Minor improvements in UI of specific JIRA error messages

4.54 Oct 29, 2020


  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue with memory release (related specifically to J9)
  • Fixed an issue with broken tiny links which were missing a prefix (Relevant for Java 8) in specific cases by using a default tiny link prefix (“”) until the agent is able to load the new settings


  • Added a new database auto-maintenance job for Oracle DB to help keep the integrity of our database, our indexes intact and their performance optimized (for more information on configuration see here)


  • New source attach options for GitHub and GitLab are now available - this feature allows us now to connect the source code seen in the ARC screen to the real source code from GitHub and GitLab
  • Added new “Git Blame” functionality to our ARC screens - when used with our new source attach options, the source code will be annotated with commit details to help route the issue to the most appropriate person to resolve it:

4.53.2 Oct 5, 2020


  • Improvements:
  • Added support with multiple Value tags of the Groups attribute within the SAML assertion
  • Optimized the performance of snapshots grouping mechanism
  • Improved internal file recovery flow


  • Bug Fixes:
  • Improvement in the way the Collector recovers from network failures while uploading data

4.53.1 Sep 13, 2020


  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug that caused ARC screen loading issues when opening for a link without being logged in
  • Fixed wrong redirection to 403 page following ARC screen errors which shouldn’t redirect there
  • Omitted empty separators when such are found in the expression of the SAML groups attribute


  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a rare bug that caused the collector to fail processing of classes, which resulted in "Unknown Method"s in the ARC screen. To apply this fix as part of the upgraded Collector it is required to wipe the existing Collector's data during the upgrade (as described here).

.NET Micro-Agent

  • Minor improvements:
  • Added internal log print for .NET deployment name feature

4.53 Aug 31, 2020


  • Security updates:
  • Applying strict parsing of the SAML assertion group attribute expression: any user with missing or incorrect (non existing) assignment of an Environment name or Role, or using an empty expression will be denied access to the system. We will provide a backwards compatibility mode for an interim period.
  • Added an option to restrict the SAML group attribute name to a single attribute name. This will be an optional property for the next 3 months, and will be restricted to a default attribute name or a given name after this period.
  • Added a new property to allow to set the default access role for authenticated users. This role is used if using the simplified SSO mode, or when using SAML Groups attribute with backwards compatibility mode enabled and an empty expression. The current default role is “Member”. The default role will be changed to “No_Access” in 3 months (unless otherwise set specifically). It is therefore advised to set the default role in advance as a best practice and to prevent unwanted authorization results.
  • Improved user authorization flows when accessing the application through direct ARC or Dashboard links. Unauthenticated users will be redirected to their IDP or to the Login page if they use basic authentication or have more than a single domain. Authenticated users without specific permission into an environment accessed through a direct link will receive a no-permissions error with basic details they can use to request access.
  • Adding support with SAML assertions containing an ‘Unspecified’ KeyDescriptor.

For more information on using SAML for authentication & authorization read here.

  • On-Premise:

  • A new admin-cli internal command to be used by direct guidance of OverOps Support team in specific scenarios where a Jar file is missing on the storage server. This command can help recover this file by enabling the micro-agent to resend it for processing (specific cases of ERR-3002 when trying to access a snapshot).

  • Updated the Backend email libraries to support TLS for emails sent by the backend server.

  • Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which occurs when using OpenID to log in on a browser with multiple user profiles which resulted in a wrong user profile being used to log in.

  • Issue getting Reliability Dashboards connectivity for onprem setup with existing proxy_url / frontend_url / host_url options

Java Micro-Agent

  • Added io.opentracing and okio to our blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information isn’t collected)
  • Performance optimizations
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed finally block handling (fix relevant for the Java 10-11 agent edition only)
  • Using org.rocksdb with OverOps caused a seg fault error when automatic timers were enabled (Dtakipi.parallax=1)
  • Fixed case where Collector rejected agent connections with ‘Max capacity reached’ error

.NET Micro-Agent

  • Deployment name:
    On the ARC screen and on the dashboard grid we will provide an automatic deployment name information which is based on the hit location - this information is extracted from the version number on the hit location path. For more information on how this feature works and how to control it, read here.

  • Added the following libs to our blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information isn’t collected): PlainElastic.Net, ZooKeeperNetEx, Avro, MyCouch, EnsureThat, Confluent, App.Metrics, TaskTupleAwaiter, DataAnnotationsValidator, RabbitMQ.Client, Orleans, OrleansDashboard, MoreLinq, Nuclex.Cloning, MySqlConnector, NUnit, Nito

Reliability Dashboards

  • Upgraded OverOps bundled Grafana to version 7.1.1

  • Bug fixes:

  • Quality Report was timing out when accessing the report from a link in the SAAS environment

  • User can set the home screen in the grafana settings

  • Transactions dashboard did not allow multi-selection for "Deployments"

  • Multi Selected fields were shown all across the screen


  • Added SonarQube support for .NET apps

4.52.4 July 26, 2020


  • Added org.HdrHistogram to our blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information isn’t collected)

Java Micro-Agent

  • Added org.HdrHistogram to our blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information isn’t collected)
  • Optimizing agent’s handling of blacklisted stack traces to further reduce unnecessary CPU cycles
  • Bug fixes:
  • Agent installation/upgrade - fixed a bug where filters.proto.default file wasn’t found if the resources directory was overwritten
  • Fixed a bug where the agent wrote a faulty settings file, resulting in sending an unsupported buffer version to an older backend

4.52.3 July 21, 2020


  • Optimization in our backend-side Jars processing which will improve overall performance and reduce the backend utilization when under load

4.52.2 July 12, 2020


  • Security update - For accounts using SAML authentication - the scope of the domain is enforced for all users and any authenticated user will only be allowed to access environments that are on the domain list, based on the permissions set for the user through the SAML assertion.
    Note: The domain list scope is set by the (Global) Domain Initializer, it consists of any environment that this user owns and connected to at the time of the login.

4.52.1 July 5, 2020

Java Micro-Agent

  • Optional optimization in our Neo agent edition, related to specific customer scenario (not a mandatory upgrade)

4.52 June 23, 2020

.NET Micro-Agent

  • Improved memory footprint of the .NET Agent
  • Removing unnecessary clsf files during processing (when a clsf file which doesn’t belong to current process is detected, it is removed)

Java Micro-Agent

  • Fixed a bug where exceptions were caught in ‘finally’ blocks but were still captured as Events


  • Added a configurable separator character for the SAML attribute statement value, to support cases where the IDP does not support space characters. See in: Support for SSO and SAML for more details.
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where filtering by NPE on the Classic OverOps dashboard did not filter the results in grid

Reliability Dashboards

  • OverOps bundled Grafana version is updated to 6.7.3
  • Fixed a bug to support accessing the Reliability Dashboards (for On-Premises installations) when the Grafana is running behind a load balancer or with strict firewall rules

4.51 June 1, 2020

.NET Micro-Agent

  • ARC Screen - Added information about executable to VM Process information under the Env tab
  • Added support for Prioritized/Deprioritized Entrypoints
  • Upgrade of Windows installations can be now done also by replacing the installation folder
  • Fixes and minor improvements:
    • Adjusted tiny links to be attached to events from user code only (removed tiny links from 3rd party exceptions)
    • Record ex banned byref arguments

Java Micro-Agent

  • AppDynamics Integration - aligned the key naming for OverOps tinylinks (eventMessage) named OverOps ARC Link.
  • Improved data validation of Agent/Collector communication


  • Added support for Java 9-14 for On-Premises installations
  • Added a user deletion tool that fully removes users and their data from our system. See Deleting User Data for details
  • Performance optimizations in queries related to our Reliability Dashboards
  • Fixes and minor improvements:
    • Fixed a deadlock issue related to Oracle (ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource)
    • Removed a logged error report which is obsolete (“ERROR - Unspecified error in AnalyzeJarMessage”)
    • Minor UI naming updates throughout the application which been generalized to accommodate for the addition of the .NET platform support
    • Fixed an issue with enabling Tiny Links (ETL) from the UI - This is currently resolved for Micro-Agents running with Java 10, 11 (Neo Agent). There is a currently known issue enabling it from the UI for Micro-Agents running with Java 9 or earlier
    • Resolved the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2014-3604, CVE-2019-17571
    • The following optional properties in the Collector’s configuration ( file) ‘takipi.encrypt’ and ‘’ will have a default value of ‘false’ and their values will be persistent over upgrades

4.50.2 May 7, 2020

RPM Install

  • Fixed an issue in the RPM install package causing a failure during the collector installation

4.50.1 May 4, 2020


  • Fixed several edge cases where the ARC screen failed to load

4.50 April 26, 2020

Java Micro-Agent

  • Improved encrypted communication performance by improving the number of messages that can be delivered. Relevant also for the .NET Micro-Agent.
  • Improved corruption detection of communication between the Micro-Agent and the Collector.
  • Improved support of WebLogic class locations, which enhances the deployment name search mechanism (Java only)
  • Performance optimization in Java 10, 11 and J9

.NET Micro-Agent

  • Added support for Exception Tiny Links (short URLs that are injected into an exception message and direct users to the exact event snapshot within the OverOps Automated Root Cause screen). By default this option is disabled and must be enabled through the file; see Using Exception Tiny Links for details.
  • Implemented decompilation improvements
  • Added support for tiered compilation
  • Added support for installing .NET using the Puppet configuration management tool. See Installing .NET Using Puppet


  • Fixed an issue in the top filter in the Event Explorer that prevented it from syncing properly with the currently active servers (requires a Collector upgrade).
  • Added a watchdog startup script for non-root users that restarts the Collector when it stops running.
  • Fixed an issue in which the number of deployments displayed on the deployments filter didn’t match the number of deployments displayed in the events grid (occurred in high numbers of deployments).
  • RPM improvements: Added a 'relocate' option for the Linux Collector and Java Micro-Agent using the RPM installer. The RPM is intended for RedHat and CentOS Linux operating systems.
  • SaaS performance improvements.

Trial Installation Wizard (SaaS Deployments only)

Updated the status messages in the wizard to be aligned with OverOps Dashboard.


  • Show data for inactive applications in the grafana dashboards (Useful for short running processes)
  • Allow to perform Event Diff of multiple deployments vs multiple deployments
  • Redesigned the CI/CD Report and added a report summary table at the top of the CI/CD report that includes: gate, status and number of errors in the TeamCity and Jenkins integrations. See OverOps CI/CD Pipeline integrations for details.

4.49.3 April 13, 2020


Bug fixes in agent connectivity

4.49.2 April 6, 2020


  • Optimization of a major Reliability Dashboards data query
  • Optimization of data queries for Oracle
  • Fixed an issue related to transaction data caching (issue introduced on 4.49.1)

4.49.1 March 31, 2020

  • Fixed a bug related to custom timer events


  • Implementing caching to batch and optimize an I/O intense backend update operation
  • Fixed an issue with the package URL used when running the wget command to download and run the Docker installer
  • Performance improvement of EventMetadata API which is significantly used with the Reliability Dashboards as well as with our Classic Event Explorer.

4.49 March 18 2020

Java Micro-Agent

  • Added an API endpoint to disable a OverOps Micro-Agent (on application / server / specific agent). Note that this option is currently supported only for the Java Micro-Agent.This capability is currently not supported on the Java 10, 11, and J9 Micro-Agent.
  • Bug fix: Prevented the Collector from entering a corrupted state in case of a half-opened TCP connection between the Micro-Agent and the Collector.

.NET Micro-Agent

  • ARC screen for .NET events and Grafana Correlate parameters list were enriched with .NET related Memory parameters.
  • Added support for out parameters
  • Bug fixes and improvements
    • Fixed issues with unsigned values recording
    • Added a new decompiler version for fixing highlighting issues


  • Optimized the handling of environments: Improved our data model of Views to support environments that have a large number of Views
  • Optimized the class loading and the class processing time
  • Optimized our dashboards’ cache loading
  • Bug fixes: Fixed an issue in the Collector logs
  • Bug fixes for the On-Premises admin-cli 'install_token' command:
    • Added validation message to user when no default environment is set
    • Ignoring casing for service ID parameters

Trial Installation Wizard (SaaS Deployments only)

  • Updated the “Welcome” screen to focus on Local Installation by default.

ARC Screen

  • With this release, we’ve added support for an alternative decompiler usage (CFR decompiler) when running in “decompiled sources plus mode”.
  • When the Micro-Agent has attached sources or the user attaches the sources manually (after decompilation), we’ve implemented the following changes in the ARC screen:
    • If there are attached sources - the decompiler information is not shown
    • If the decompiler information is missing for any reason - will show “Unknown” in the decompiler field

4.48.1 March 5, 2020


Added more safeguards to prevent the Collector from getting into a stuck state where it doesn’t report any new hits or stats, which is caused by processing extremely large methods

4.48 February 19, 2020

On-Premises InstallationIn this version, we’ve added the option of installing the On-Premises component - the CR server - using two Linux package managers: RPM Package Manager (RPM) or Deb Package Manager.

The RPM is intended for RedHat and Centos Linux operating systems, while the Deb Package Manager is intended for Debian and Ubuntu Linux operating systems.

To learn more about these installers, check out the articles Install a CR Server Using the RPM Installer and Install a CR Server Using the Deb Installer. For instructions on how to install, go to the article Install a Collector and Java Micro-Agent Using RPM or Deb.

In addition, we’ve implemented the Systemd Linux Service Manager, a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. Also added options to run the On-Premises installation by a specific user/group, and to configure the storage/temp/logs directories. See Systemd Linux Service Manager and Customizing the Directory Path for On-Premises Installations for details.


  • Updated the flow of generating a new installation key in the Event Explorer - the user is now redirected to Settings/Manage Environments where he or she can create the new key. When the new environment is created successfully, the user is redirected to the OverOps app home with the new environment selected (see Generate an Installation Key.
  • Fixes and improvements to the Sync Jira UDF:
    • Added the ability to choose a “Status” or “Resolution” Jira field (using the resolutionOrStatus field
    • Added the ability to optionally sync “Hidden”, “Resolved” or both
    • Bug fixes
  • Backend optimizations, such as:
    • Reducing RAM utilization during hit cleanup
    • Optimizing CPU utilization during idle time or low load
    • Improving backend subtasks and process management
    • Reducing threads allocation
    • Redis optimization update
  • Backend updates to support .NET:
    • Updated the way in which we detect swallowed exceptions to support exception variable declarations for .NET core applications.
    • Added support to record unsigned values in the ARC screen
    • Added support to categorize swallowed exceptions correctly

Backend (On-Premises)

  • As part of troubleshooting cases where the Collector’s state becomes unresponsive due to existing data processing issues, OverOps has implemented a method for wiping the Collector’s data without losing the Collector configuration. See Wiping a Collector's Data (On-Premises Linux Collector) for details.
  • Added Tomcat-access logs and additional log files (to learn more about the log locations, see see Viewing On-Premises Logs)
  • Implemented additional performance optimizations


  • In the Env View, the section that displays the Java process now includes the Micro-Agent version as well.

  • Linux installation - When the user specifies the Collector port, this selection is now reflected in the agent properties ( file) that are downloaded with the Collector.
  • Added the Jira issue ID to the 'View Jira Issue' tooltip
  • Bug fixes:
    • Catalina.log recycling
    • Fixed an issue where an owner appeared twice in the team members when opening a new environment
    • Automatic refresh of method source code in the ARC screen when the source code is ready

Java Micro Agent

  • Added an API command option to disable the OverOps Micro agent on a group of applications / group of servers at any point if required. Note that this option is currently supported only for the Java Micro-Agent (not .NET).This capability is currently not supported on the Java 10 and 11 and J9 Micro-Agent.
  • Java 10 and 11 and J9 Micro-Agent: Implemented additional performance optimizations
  • Secure encrypted communication between the OverOps Collector and Micro-Agent is now supported on AIX in addition to Windows and Linux.
  • Added support for Java 8 u 232
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed an issue in the Collector that prevented processing events from many Micro-Agents, and also reduced the input/output usage of the Collector
    • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect line number in decompiled source code
    • Improved the Micro-Agents’ footprint on the disk upon shutdown
    • Fixed an issue with presenting corrupted variable state. This doesn’t fix tales that are already open but will apply to any new tale that’s opened. The fix requires a restart of the Backend only (not the Collector or Micro-Agent)

.NET Micro-Agent

  • Added support for .NET Core 3.0 to the supported versions of .NET
  • Starting from this release, the .NET Micro-Agent is fully incorporated into the OverOps release process, sharing the same version number and download links.



Because .Net has been added to the installer, you'll need to perform a full uninstall of the previous version and then reinstall of the new version. This limitation is true for any upgrade from any version prior to 4.48 to any version from 4.48 and later.

  • Implemented improvements and bug fixes in the .NET decompilation process, such as limiting the number of threads.
  • When using an IIS web application,the application pool name is detected automatically and applied to the name of the application; see Naming the .NET Application for details.


  • Jira integration: For both New and Resurfaced Jira Alerts, added the following fields, and improved visibility:
    • Error
    • Location
    • First seen
    • Stack-trace preview
  • Added support for the SonarQube plugin integration; see SonarQube Integration for details.
  • Updated the OverOps Quality Report to display a summary that shows the quality gate, its status (passed/failed), and the total for four quality gates: New, Resurfaced, Critical, and Increasing.

Settings Console

In the Settings console - Storage function, the warning dialog when turning on the hybrid storage toggle has been updated.

Trial Installation Wizard (SaaS Deployments only)

  • Adding support for switching between environments for SaaS trial users who are members of multiple environments.
  • The installation status is displayed to the user during the installation progress
  • Minor improvements / bug fixes:
    • Clarified to the user that they need to attach OverOps to one of their applications
    • Retained values between the wizard steps
    • Updated wizard texts based on user testing
  • Users are no longer redirected to the OverOps application web page upon completing a Windows/macOS installation.

4.47 January 21, 2020


  • With this release, OverOps supports secure communication between the OverOps Collector and Micro-Agent through full encryption of all data transferred between the OverOps components. See Secure Communication between OverOps Collector and Micro-Agent for details. Currently supported on Linux and Windows Collectors and Micro-Agents only.
  • Additional updates:
    • Update of 3rd party libraries
    • Bug fix in propagating the frontend-url used on the start command

4.46.2 January 16, 2020


With this release, the .NET MIcro-Agent is now part of the main OverOps release. The version includes a number of updates to the Micro-Agent, including the following features:

  • Enabled the Micro-Agent to get the location of PDB (Program Databases) files directly, which allows attaching PDBs / sources for multiple applications.
  • Source code files decompilation: This version updates the .NET Micro-Agent to support source code decompilation (this means that you’ll no longer need to copy the source files after deploying the application and link to them from the Micro-Agent using the source flag).
  • Added a limit to the number of requests the Micro-Agent can create.

4.46.2 January 14, 2020


  • Updates to the Redis Session Manager

4.46.1 January 6, 2020

This release includes fixes related to the OverOps trial experience, including the following:

  • After completing the installation, users were being directed to the Welcome screen instead of to the application itself
  • Users that already had active environments and tried to generate a new environment were being directed to the Welcome screen

4.46.0 January 6, 2020

This release focused on improving performance in both the Backend and in the Micro-Agent as well as in the way in which OverOps works with Oracle.

Java Agent

  • Added the Mockito-generated classes to the banned classes list; see Banned Classes List for details
  • Optimized the Micro-Agent in Java 10 and 11 and J9 to further reduce overhead
  • Added an option to run in lite mode. This minimizes the size of the instrumentation and requires a lot less CPU cycles to execute. HotSpot JVMs now run by default in lite mode, however, you can opt-out of lite mode.
    • Replaced the existing variable recording instrumentation with a much lighter instrumentation: to record variables, we use existing APIs of the JVM (that were previously only available on HotSpot), so that now lite mode is the default mode for HotSpot JVMs for Java 10 and 11 and J9
  • In the Micro-Agent and Collector logs, we’ve added the tiny key of events to make it easier to investigate broken tinylinks
    • Compatibility: Alpine 3.11.0 is now supported in the Java Micro-Agent
    • Added the option of setting the base URL for tinylinks locally through the Micro-Agent properties using takipi.short.url.prefix=<prefix>; this setting is used by default in On-Premises installations
    • Agent bug fixes including fixing a problem in which the Java 10 and 11 and J9 Micro-Agent failed to start with Tomcat in Java 11



  • Jira Integration: Added the Jira Issue ID (as a clickable link) to the "View Jira Issue" dialog, at the top header
  • Updated the 3rd party libraries used by OverOps
  • ARC Screen: Added support for lambda functions as part of the decompilation enhancements (“decompiled sources +")
  • Backend bug fixes
  • OverOps Trial Installation: Updated the user experience in the trial welcome screen. In addition, when a trial user tries to sign-in without any environment installed, he/she is redirected to the 'Welcome' page

4.45 and 4.45.1 December 8, 2019

Release 4.45 from OverOps features our new .NET Micro-Agent, whose details are listed below, and our new In-app Installation Guide for trial accounts, as well as a major improvements and updates in the Backend.

OverOps .NET Micro-Agent

The OverOps .NET Micro-Agent monitors .NET applications by attaching to a running application or environment, detecting errors and problems, thereby providing you with a comprehensive view of your application's performance.

The .NET Micro-Agent supports both .NET Framework and .NET Core, installs as a standalone on your laptop and works with Azure- Server, PC, and cloud - Azure AppService - through NuGet. The Micro-Agent can also be installed with a remote machine (using NuGet or MSI).



The .NET Micro-Agent can be currently used for pre-production environments only.

For more information, check out these articles:
OverOps for .NET
Compatibility and Requirements
Using OverOps in Your .NET System


  • Redis for On-Premises Deployments: The Redis Session Manager for Tomcat is an off-the-shelf product that allows you to store sessions of Apache Tomcat in Redis. This product is already implemented in our SaaS solution automatically; however, in this release we’ve developed a feature that adds a similar mechanism to On-Premises to enable the user to use cache in multiple Tomcats, i.e, to share the cache between multiple sessions. Customers who use this solution will need to ensure that Redis is already installed on their end and then to connect to it. The solution should be used in an On-Premises environment using a configuration of a number of backends and either an external Redisson server or a local installation on one of the backends.See Redis for On-Premises for details.
  • Kerberos Support: In this release we’ve added support for the Kerberos authentication protocol for On-Premises deployments. See Kerberos for On-Premises for details.
  • Improved warnings about previously installed Grafana instances for On-Premises deployments
  • With this release, OverOps deprecated the use of an internal database layer (Dynalite) which will no longer be in use in the OverOps system. This change is introduced as part of our data access optimization process. This change is relevant for customers using MySQL, Postgres and Oracle databases. Customers that currently use the H2 database and will upgrade will still use the existing data access layer (only when installing a fresh installation will customers using H2 enjoy the new database optimized mode).



OverOps recommends that the default H2 database only be used for POC purposes and not for production environments.


Scale Improvements

In this release, we’ve implemented a major improvement in the way our product reports and processes an event’s statistical information through the entire hit flow - from our Micro-Agent, to the Collector to the Backend. This optimization will improve resource utilization and performance. To use this feature, you’ll need to make sure that the Collector and Backend are on this latest version.


  • Added the top 5 event details as a custom field to the PagerDuty alert information.
  • Updated and improved Jira tickets for Resurfaced events, which now include a description of the server/application/deployment fields and have a clearer indication that these are resurfaced events.
  • Added the code_last_modified date field to integrations: To enable integrations to have all the information possible at their disposal, we’ve added the code_last_modified date field, which shows when the code was modified compared to the time of the event.


  • The default file has been updated to include examples of most frequent configuration options used
  • Separated the SAML metadata.xml to an external file instead of in

Automated Root Cause (ARC) Screen

  • To improve the user’s experience with the ARC screen, we optimized the way method sources are loaded asynchronously into the page.

Event Explorer Views

  • Increased the character limitation for View names from 50 characters to 100 (particularly relevant for routing UDFs that create routing views with long deployment names).

Bug fixes

  • Updated the way in which the “Last Seen/First Seen” value is displayed when there are no statistics.
  • Updated the validation message in the UDF upload dialog
  • Updated the Method Summary fields so that the class version is only shown when the source file exists
  • Routing UDFs: To prevent situations where some of the default routing UDFs (such as deployments, apps, and tiers routing) are disabled by mistake, these UDFs can now run in ‘Silent’ mode (set by default) so that they don't require an alert channel to be enabled.


  • Added an API endpoint that sets the jira_issue_url field
  • Optimized Jira API request handling

In-app Installation Guide for Trial Accounts

  • Added an Installation guide for basic OverOps installation for trial accounts that contains both Java and .NET installation (for pre-production environments) flows.

4.44.11 November 20, 2019


  • Performance improvements
  • Updated the look-and-feel for installer links
  • Fixed a bug related to the Reliability Dashboard Errors screen
  • Fixed a bug related to user management

4.44.11 November 14, 2019


  • Added support for WebLogic for the class locations (URL) format.
  • Added a parameter that disables forced boot time mode on startup until the Micro-Agent is valid.
  • Java 10/11: Updated the following configuration options:
    • Instrumented F to have the appropriate number of fields per type and made sure object field nullification uses a generated method as well.
    • Adjusted the TypedLocalInfo on F to be configurable as well and can have more than just objects and ints
    • Made sure the StackFrame knows how to get the correct offsets per type
  • Java 10/11: Enabled a mechanism that was disabled in the 4.44.9 release related to a minor optimization.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Fixed potential verification errors in edge cases on instrumented methods


  • Implemented a more granular protection against bad configuration properties so that if a property doesn’t adhere to the expected format, the user is notified, but the Collector continues to read the rest of the configuration file nonetheless.

4.44.10 November 11, 2019


  • Updated the Demo Environment dropdown option link
  • Added the Microsoft Teams integration; see Microsoft Teams Integration for details.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

4.44.9 November 6, 2019


  • Fixed an issue where the App and Code Tiers were not always showing in the Reliability Dashboards
  • Updated the for Agents by explicitly defining the in the file


  • Disabled a minor optimization released in 4.44 that could cause increasing memory usage in very rare cases

4.44.8 November 4, 2019


  • Bug fix and performance improvements

4.44.7 October 29, 2019


  • Fixed an issue where new views for new active deployments found were missing from the CI/CD category in the Events Explorer.
  • Fixed a bug in the .NET Agent
  • Added line number support (displaying the original line number) to some components.
  • Added maxmind to the black list
  • Updated the logging process
  • Updated the SaaS user’s installation experience, so that when the user clicks “Install” he or she is moved to the environment’s Welcome page.


  • Updated the API layer to support simple singular API points for use in all integrations

UI Bug Fixes

Fixed links in the Settings > Publish Metrics page


  • On-Premises users can now install a basic environment using a local (embedded) Collector.
  • Users can now copy the secret key before downloading the Windows/macOS installer
  • Installer texts were updated for clarification and user-accessibility

4.44.6 October 28, 2019


  • Backend improvements

4.44.5 October 24, 2019


  • Bug fix for Java 10,11 Agent

4.44.4 October 20, 2019


  • Bug fixes:
    • Updating error codes messages and options
    • Allow the function ‘Refresh All Sources’ to update the source code view in a session that's currently open
    • Minor ARC screen UI fixes

Alerts Management

  • Updated the default settings for ServiceNow
  • Add/Edit alert: Enabled the option to select an anomaly function when the alert type and entity name are known
  • Alert types without defined alerts are now displayed

Settings Management

  • Entry points: Added messaging re: supported versions and updated the UI
  • Storage: Block the option to return to Hosted mode after defining and connecting to a Hybrid storage server.
  • Added a warning in the Team Management page to indicate when an environment has a domain initializer
  • Fixed a bug to the alerts UI
  • Added an IP field validation in the Advanced Settings option

4.44.3 October 17, 2019


  • Bug fix: Added the method name in stack in cases where it was not displayed

4.44.2 October 15, 2019


  • Bug fix: When using custom authentication in on-premises deployments - add access to all of the global domain initializer environments for new authenticated users

4.44.1 October 11, 2019


  • Bug fixes:
    • Updated the .NET variable highlight accuracy
    • Updated the Events API data fidelity to remove events data from the response for events that didn't occur (had 0 hits)


  • Performance improvements for J9 and Java 11
  • Minor bug fixes

4.44.0 September 26, 2019


  • The Agent for AIX is now bundled as part of the backend package.
    Downloadable links:
    On-premises: http://:/app/download?t=sa-aix
  • Added org.nustaq.serialization to our blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information isn’t collected)
  • Added the following packages to .NET blacklist: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib, Swashbuckle, MongoDB.Driver, MongoDB.Bson
  • Internal enhancements in UDF framework


  • Significant performance improvement on OpenJDK 9.0.4
  • Improved integration support with the New Relic agent - preventing logger initialization issues
  • Bug fixes:
    • For Java 10 and 11 and J9: Fixed rare rare occurrences of missing ETLs
    • Preventing invalid Tiny-Keys from being added
    • Preventing the Agent blacklist from being overwritten when upgrading
    • Fixed parsing of GNU style JVM options (for Java 9+)
    • Fixed a verification error with OJDBC driver 7

4.43.4 September 19, 2019


  • Bug fixes

4.43.3 September 19, 2019


  • Removed a current loading limitation on large numbers of application names, deployment names, and server names and optimized the loading process of this metadata
  • All alert channels now support custom alerts
  • Improved the loading time for ARC screens that are filtered by applications / deployments / servers

4.43.2 September 9, 2019


  • Fix related to the MEC installation token creation process
  • Removed an unnecessary redirect to the installation documentation (in cases where the user clicked the process report with only a Collector connected).
  • Bug fixes

4.43.1 September 5, 2019


  • UI and text updates
  • Bug fixes

API Update

  • Added a Collectors/JVM process report for endpoints

4.43 September 4, 2019


  • Performance improvements in Java 10 and 11
  • Added the option to redact identifiers in maps. Refer to the Managing Data Redaction article for details.

4.42.7 September 1, 2019

Alerts Management

  • Updated the page name to “Manage Alerts”

  • Implemented text updates in the PagerDuty channel
  • Updated the sample values for "Webhook" and "ServiceNow" channels
  • Updated validation message errors when adding and editing alerts
  • Adding a custom view (filter) alert: The Name drop-down list has been adjusted to include default private views (“Last Day” and “Last Hour”)
  • Delete an alert now displays a confirmation dialog

Settings Dashboard

  • Added an 'Advanced' section
  • Changed the "Learn More" link in the Slowdowns tab of the Settings Dashboard
  • User controls have been enabled for the "Viewer" role in Team Management screen
  • Data Redaction Setting texts were updated
  • Filter Code bug fixes for UI components
  • For basic orientation we’ve added the logged-in user name to the top bar


  • When the user clicks Install, the application will open a window with the installation key (for regular Collectors) or installation token (for Multi-Environment Collectors) that can be copied, before directing the user to the installation page. Then, the user can simply enter the key or token in the field and create the one-liner required for the installation. Whether the user receives a key or token is set up in advance in the backend by the Service Engineer (SE).
  • Fixed bugs in the installation and in the installation UI


  • Manage Alerts function: Added an option In the User Menu in the right hand corner to go directly to the configured alerts in the Alerts dashboard
  • In the Jira Advanced settings, changed the Team Settings option text to clarify that all Jira settings are being used for all teammates with this option enabled
  • Advanced Settings: The Advanced Settings options that appears in the Installation Keys window are now all fully enabled so that the user can choose to turn each setting on or off (toggle). The defaults for these settings have not changed.


  • Resurfaced event: When an event resurfaces in the ARC screen, the user will now see an indication on this in the upper left corner
  • Application Tier name: For events that are associated with specific App-Tiers labels then the Application-Tier name or names (for multiple tiers) will also appear in the Event details pane
  • Updated the Method summary in ARC screens. When clicking the i icon, the Method Summary popup includes the following information:
    • Class version - For example '52.0'.
    • Source file name - For example ‘’ or ‘class.scala’.
    • Cart Status: Full / Available
    • Link to more info on controlling the cart size in our documentation
    • [Optional - will appear if relevant]: We provide an indicator that's shown when some of the variables state on the method are missing

4.42.6 August 29, 2019


  • Added Micrometer, Thymeleaf, and attoparser to the blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information is not collected)
  • Bug fixes

4.42.5 August 21, 2019


  • The Collector will stop writing snapshots to the disk when the disk is nearly full: The purpose of this update is to implement a simple safeguard that prevents filling the disk completely, thus rendering the environment non-functional. If the disk space is past a certain percentage it will then write an error to the collector's service log, along with disk space details and the relevant file name. The default percentage cutoff point is 90%, and is configurable in the using the maxDiskUsagePercentage attribute.
  • Fix to the Collector to properly report its connectivity status to the hybrid storage server.


  • Added new error type to identify a storage error case where the storage server settings have changed during snapshot processing and the older storage server can’t be accessed anymore
  • Minor UI fixes and bug fixes related to the ARC screen


  • To support customers that use a local Collector rather than a remote one, we’ve added the flag --local_collector to the one-liner installation. See Installing a Local Collector for details.

4.42.4 August 20, 2019


  • Important fix: We detected an issue in version 4.42 in one of the upgrade scenarios (upgrading the Collector while Agents are running). This release fixes that problem, so we recommend that you upgrade to this release to avoid any potential issues. The upgrade process may result in momentary data loss during the Agent re-connection process after the Collector upgrade (this usually takes a few seconds).
  • Bug fix in the Collector installer.
  • Bug fix related to connecting older Agents to newer Collectors.

4.42.3 August 17, 2019


  • Internal/minor bug fixes

4.42.2 August 16, 2019


  • Fixed a bug that could cause delayed processing of events.

4.41.1 August 15, 2019


  • Internal/minor bug fixes

4.42 August 14, 2019

This release includes new features as well as major improvements, including the launching of our Multi-Environment Collector (MEC), a new integration with New Relic, full support for Oracle, improvements to the ARC screen, and some pretty cool updates to the Alerts and Settings features.


This release features the addition of the OverOps Multi-Environment Collector (MEC), which enables you to onboard new applications and functional groups in an easy and repeatable way. MEC creates a centralized management solution that ensures easy installation and addition of new applications and environments. Refer to this article to learn more.
Note that MEC is an addition to our existing installation, and doesn't affect the current installation.


  • OverOps has integrated the New Relic application performance monitoring (APM) software into our system. In this integration, links are inserted directly into the log files so that deep, code-level context can be surfaced and accessed during the troubleshooting process using a single click. To learn more, check out the New Relic Integration integration article.
  • Oracle Support: In this release, OverOps has added full support for the Oracle database in On-Premises deployments.
  • Extended the validity of the API token to 5 years (instead of the current 1 year).

Alert Dashboard Updates

  • Updated the UI and flow of adding a new alert in the Alerts dashboard. See Alerts Management for details.

  • Updated the UI and flow of viewing and managing active (existing) alerts in the Alerts dashboard. See Alerts Management for details.

  • Accessing an alert from a link: Enables you to access and edit alerts for any view via a direct link:
  • When opening the url of a view that has alerts, the page will behave in the same way as when you click Edit in the Active Alerts page.
  • When opening a URL of a view with no alerts settings, the page will also behave in the same way as when you click Edit in the Active Alerts page; however, in this case, all the alert definitions will be empty.
  • Alert dashboard bug fixes:
    • Adding and editing custom alerts and new alert settings fixes
    • Adding a new alert to an environment even if there’s no existing alert (you can only set up one alert per environment) fixes
    • UI text fixes including error updates

ARC Screen Improvements

  • In rare cases where an error occurs while trying to open an ARC screen, we have added the ability for the user to report those errors directly to OverOps, helping us to review them and improve the product experience.
    In cases where our backend is not able to access our reporting interface (due to Internet connectivity issues), the report will be saved locally on the backend (/logs/tomcat/tale-fail.log).
  • Optimizations of the ARC screen loading and reduction of timeout errors
  • Fix of data fidelity between the ARC graph and the Dashboard graph
  • Updated the snapshot tooltip to provide more information
  • UI and performance updates
  • The maximum inactivity duration for a user session of a SAML-authenticated user and a User/Password-authenticated user has been updated to 5 hours and 1 week respectively.
  • Error message improvements: Added Environment Name and Environment ID to the No-Permissions error (ERR-8001) message to make it easier for the user to determine to which environment they need to request access.

4.42.4 August 6, 2019


  • AppDynamic integration events from threshold alerts and digests are excluded from new event alerts.
  • Bug fix: Threshold Anomaly alerts that are set via the dashboard dialog now work in the same way as those set through the API and Settings dashboard.
  • ARC Screen bug fixes:
    • Snapshots weren’t loading due to a source code exception
    • UI bug fix

4.41.3 Aug 1, 2019


  • Bug fix


  • To locate anomalies, we’ve added an update that looks for volume regressions in cases where an event has hits but there has zero method invocations.

4.41.2 July 28, 2019


  • Minor text updates


  • Bug fixes

4.41.1 July 25, 2019

Reliability Dashboard

  • Bug fix

4.41 July 24, 2019

This release includes a number of important updates to several OverOps features, including the Alerts and Settings dashboards, ARC screen and APIs.


  • Implemented several significant updates to the Settings Dashboard:
    • Entry point (transaction) customization feature: To improve the call stack entry point, we’ve added an option to customize the entry points (transactions), enabling you to prioritize and deprioritize entry points in the call stack. To learn more, check out the Entry Point Customization article. Requires upgrades to the Agent, Collector and backend. Changes also apply to the Agent component.

Customizing Entrypoints

  • Storage server security features: Switching the Storage Server on means you're moving your solution to a hybrid model. To prevent you from switching the model inadvertently, you'll need to enter a valid host name and a valid front end host name, and to test the connectivity. If the server is not connected, and the test fails, you will not be able to save your changes. See Enable Storage Server Connectivity over HTTP for details.
  • Importing Groups: The Groups tab now enables admin users to import groups that were already defined for other environments. Note that each import only applies to the current group - i.e, transactions, applications or tiers - and not to all group types in one import. If a group that you import contains values that are already being used in existing group, or if you import an item that has a very long name, these values won't be imported and will be displayed in a notification similar to the one below. See [Settings Dashboard (doc:settings-dashboard#section-importing-groups) for details. Note that after each import, you'll need to apply the changes by selecting Apply. If you move to the next tab and don't save the import, your changes won't be saved.
  • New reminders about saving changes in the Settings Dashboard have been added to ensure consistency in the dashboard’s behavior.
  • In the Publish Metrics tab of the Settings Dashboard, if you make changes to the settings, and then don’t save them or move to another tab, you’ll receive a notice asking if you want to 'Discard changes' or not.
  • Tooltips have been standardized across all the OverOps screens.
  • Alerts:
    • Updated the tab Function to Custom because we found that the use of functions is confusing + additional text changes to make the dialog clearer.
    • For the email alert setup, text in the dialog was also updated to make the options clearer.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Clearing stored application data upon environment switching doesn’t clear the data.
    • In the Default alert settings for ServiceNow, if the service is down, an error is displayed in the Console.
    • Email added in the "Email specific team members" field isn’t deleted.
    • Alerts feature: Email settings fail to save when changing an alert from global to private or vice versa.
    • Alerts feature: When editing an alert, the “Trigger on anomaly via function” can’t be removed.
  • ARC Screen: Added an option for SaaS users to opt out of decompilation enhancements: The decompilation enhancements use raw bytecode sent from the Collector to the backend before decompilation. This enhancement is enabled by default for all our SaaS users; however, users who don't want the raw bytecode to be sent to the backend can disable this feature. See Disabling the Raw Bytecode Option for details.


4.40.2 July 21, 2019

Backend (On-Premises)

  • Addition of Grafana bundle package

4.40.1 July 18, 2019


  • Bug fix for Reliability Dashboards

4.40 July 17, 2019

Backend (On-Premises)

  • Our On-Premises solution install kit is now pre-bundled with Grafana and is configured and enabled by default to serve our Reliability Dashboards. Check out the Reliability Dashboard Overview article to learn more. For the bundled Grafana version, refer to the Supported Third Party Software and Tools page.
  • If you have an existing external instance of Grafana installed on another server or on the backend machine, you should switch to the bundled Grafana by following these instructions.
  • The requirement to have a JDK pre-installed has been updated to include either JDK or JRE.
  • Added the new glasses configuration for the ARC screen stack-trace.
  • Bug fix for an underlying issue related to snapshot errors (which were displaying as "Still Processing...").

4.39.2 July 16, 2019


  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue related to the Agent that wasn’t working properly on java 9.

4.39.1 July 14, 2019


  • To minimize the difference between the source code in the ARC screen and “clean” decompiled sources, the raw bytecode is sent from the Collector to the backend to avoid annotating obfuscated bytecode before decompilation. To implement this capability, the Collector and backend must be upgraded to 4.39.1 or higher. For details see the Automated Root Cause (ARC) Screen.
  • As part of the new multi-Agent support, the Agent can now be attached at any point and not only as the last agentץ
  • Added closure auto generated classes to the OverOps ban list
  • Improved the Agent CPU overhead and performance
  • When running Java 10 and 11, if you don’t run with the required arguments specified in the guidelines, from now on agent won’t run if they aren’t set.


  • Updated the UI and texts of the ARC screen error messages as well as added error codes to the messages
  • Bug fixes related to the Reliability Dashboard
  • For On-Premises: The glasses icon in the ARC screen stack-trace for specific services (which indicates that there are new variables) can now be turned on through the file using the SERVICES_WITH flag.



If you're upgrading to this version, remember to upgrade both the Agent and Collector to ensure that they're both on the same version.

4.38.4 July 9, 2019


  • API endpoint updates

4.38.3 July 8, 2019


  • System-generated Views & Labels protection:
    • Some Views are automatically created by the system (such as the views under the Tiers category). We have added protection for these views in order to maintain their primary usage. These views will not be allowed to be modified by a user after they have been created. A user can choose to change the view definition but will only be able to save the changes under a new View name (‘Save as’ option).
    • Added protection from accidental removal of a label from an event and protection of accidental removal of a system generated label, so that when a user clears the check-box of a system/UDF generated label (of labels ending with .app or .infra) from an event will be asked to verify the removal.
  • API and UDF updates: Updated the relevant APIs and UDFs to support the option of immutable views and the system ability to recreate views
  • Updated the Jira registration UI and related documentation to support both the new API Token (for Jira Cloud) and Password (for Self-Service Jira)
  • Replaced the Installation Wizard with the installation procedure documented in the OverOps Installation Documentation to the Collector or Agent installation..
  • Bug fixes:
    • Added a fix that prevents the accumulation of too many old bugtale_service_agent.*.log files
    • On Prem - implemented an internal memory tweak
    • Implemented minor UI typo fixes
  • Renamed the ARC JVM tab to Env

4.38.2 July 4, 2019


  • Bug fixes
  • ARC screen bug fixes
  • API client update

4.38.1 June 27, 2019


  • Bug fixes in the Reliability Dashboards
  • Bug fixes in the Automated Root Cause (ARC) screen
  • Additional bug fixes
  • Improvements to the API client to support the Jenkins plugin

4.38 June 26, 2019


This release features a large number of UI updates to the OverOps application, especially to the Settings Dashboard and to the Alerts Management features.

  • Updates to the Settings dashboard, including:
    • UI - Reliability Settings: Added a new field to the Reliability Settings Slowdowns page - called Minimal Delta Threshold Percentage.
    • UI - Reliability Analysis settings: Changed the name of the General’ section to Event Types.

Additional updates include:

  • Alerts management feature bug fixes
    • Application bug fixes
    • Added improvements to the cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection


Added a update to the Collector to the way it handles hits from tiny links, which are short URLs that direct users to the exact event within the OverOps Automated Root Cause screen. To learn more about tiny links, click here


On the Agent side, we've added a lot of changes and updates to both the existing Agent and to the new Java 10 and 11 and J9 Agent:

  • Updates to the new Java 10 and 11 and J9 Agent, such as a new functionality to address classes that require special handling in Java 9
  • Java 10 and 11 and J9 Agent bug fixes
  • Added several logging capabilities to the Agent
  • Added a more precise statistics mechanism
  • Agent bug fixes



If you're upgrading to this version, remember to upgrade both the Agent and Collector to ensure that they're both on the same version.

4.37.17 June 25, 2019


  • Bug fixes

4.37.16 June 20, 2019


  • Bug fixes related to the Reliability Dashboard

4.37.15 June 18, 2019

Reliability Dashboard

  • Added a new Event Feed that displays the latest reported events in real-time.

Reliability Dashboard Event Feed


  • Bug fixes and improvements in the ARC failures screen
  • Improvement to the cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection
  • Updates to the Reliability dashboard integration

API Updates

  • Updates to the API

4.37.14 June 12, 2019


  • Bug fixes

4.37.13 June 6, 2019


  • Added security improvements
  • Added UI updates as part of the support for the ServiceNow integration
  • Added on-premises integration support for both Slack and PagerDuty using a proxy
  • Upgraded the embedded Tomcat to the latest 8.5 (8.5.41)
  • Added improvements in reporting and analyzing ARC failures
  • Added debugging information and improved statistical information collection on errors that occur when opening ARCs.

API Updates

  • Bug fixes and improvements

4.37.12 June 3, 2019


  • Added the application name and deployment name to Jira tickets
  • ServiceNow ticket report information updates:
    • Removed the "Manage Settings" link
    • Removed the turn-off alert link
  • Bug fixes and improvements

API Updates

  • Added an endpoint for fetching ServiceNow Tables
  • Added an endpoint to test alert settings
  • Bug fix

Alerts Feature

  • UI improvements
  • Bug fix

4.37.11 May 31, 2019


  • Fixed a bug that could cause some snapshots to not be shown when viewing the '24 hour' timeframe in the Reliability Dashboard.

4.37.10 May 30, 2019


  • Fixed a bug that could cause API latency and dashboard slowness.

4.37.9 May 29, 2019


  • An additional set of performance optimizations for the Reliability Dashboards.

4.37.8 May 28, 2019


  • Performance optimizations in large data queries used in our Reliability Dashboards.

4.37.7 May 27, 2019


  • Added org.togglz instead of org.togglz.junit to the blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information is not collected) and com.dyuproject & io.prometheus.
  • Internal bug fixes and optimizations.
  • Manage Environments page: Added a new 'Learn More' link.
  • Storage settings - Added a link to the dialog window that’s displayed when toggling the hybrid storage.
  • Alerts Console updates:
    • Updated the Active Alerts grid
    • Updated the behavior of 'View as' drop-down
    • When creating a new alert, the default settings will be used to populate the data in the channels.
  • Clicking on the 'OverOps' Logo now moves the user to the OverOps Classic Dashboard
  • Bug fixes
  • Added new limitations to tags with long content.
  • Settings dashboard: Input fields support multiple values using both semicolons and now comma+space delimited values (e.g., app1, app2)


  • Added org.togglz instead of org.togglz.junit to the blacklist (known 3rd party libraries for which information is not collected) and com.dyuproject & io.prometheus


  • API update: The API views filter the machine/app/deployment correctly.

4.37.6 May 20, 2019


  • Bug fix in the ARC screen
  • Bug fix in the Reliability Dashboard

4.37.5 May 19, 2019


  • Removed ARC URL changes from browser history: this change will allow users on the environment to use the browser's Back command (after the change - with a single click) to return to the dashboard.
  • Fixes and improvements to the management console.
  • Reliability Dashboard: Excluded deployment annotations if an application is selected for which a deployment has no event volume.


  • Optimized the variables recording capability
  • Improved snapshot prioritization
  • Changed the logic in which the Agent connects to a Collector when using Multi Endpoints.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Windows Installer bug fix for Java 10 and 11 and J9
    • Fixed a mismatch between the executed code and the de-compiled version.
    • Improved the memory consumption on a Collector running on OSX
    • Changed the log Level to "ERROR" instead of “warning” for cases when the Remote Collector can’t connect to the port.
    • Fixed a bug involving a wrong presentation of exception data on the ARC screen.
    • Improved collector logging in case of a bad Collector connection.

4.37.4 May 16, 2019


  • Internal bug fixes and optimizations

4.37.3 May 15, 2019


  • Added a breakdown flag graph endpoint: To fully support backward compatibility, we’ve added a breakdown flag to the graph endpoint, which determines whether the graphs will be returned in the original data structure or in the new grouped by structure
  • ARC optimizations:Optimized the way in which the backend and frontend handle the Tailortimeout error-codes.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Clicking the peak in the ARC graph (when selecting 24-hours and not 7-hours) opened an incorrect snapshot.
    • Sometimes the snapshot point on the graph appeared without the option to move to snapshot.
    • Removed a URL state when creating a new tale link from the dashboard.

API Updates:

  • Updated the API client to support aggregated graph queries
  • Added UDF integration feedback to the POST View→ Alerts API response
  • Internal API updates

4.37.2 May 13, 2019


  • Improved On-Premises product analytics: jvm/collector counts per environment.
  • Fixed bug reported in the Reliability Dashboard: The versions being compared against were incorrect as reported and did not take the Application Name into account.
  • Internal bug fixes and optimizations


  • The Alpine Linux Agent is now fully supported and available for deployment.



If you're upgrading to this version, remember to upgrade both the Agent and Collector to ensure that they're both on the same version.

4.37.1 May 8, 2019


  • Settings page: Fixed a faulty hybrid connectivity indication in the new Settings page (in this stage, removed the “test installation” button; in a future phase will return it and will have a different indicator for the test result).
  • In the Default Alert settings, the ServiceNow option is now hidden.
  • Increased the diagnostic report frequency to the Hybrid Storage Server to one hour.
  • Monitoring updates:
    • Implemented 'verbose logging' flag in monitoring configuration.
    • Implemented namespace qualification to monitoring measurements
    • Adapted the code base to generic metric reporting.
    • Monitoring now reports the number of Collectors/Agents.
    • Storage diagnostics task was moved to internal monitoring
  • Disabled the outdated "Collector high CPU alert"


  • Added support for the symbols map for ARC snapshots to the Hybrid Storage Server diagnostic reports.
  • Moved the Collector CPU reports to internal monitoring
  • Internal bug fixes and optimizations

4.37 May 2, 2019


  • Added a new Alerts editor, which lists all active alerts for a selected environment. The page is accessible from the Environments management page in the management console, and displays all alerts that are visible to the current user. Admins have the option of displaying alerts for other users in the same environments.
  • Improved the snapshot link creation in the Reliability Dashboards + enabled fallbacks in the backend


  • Internal bug fixes and optimizations


  • API fix - The API has been updated to always return the nearest snapshot instead of defaulting to just a single request object by default

4.36.2 May 1, 2019


  • Applied changes to the user group attribute in the IDP SAML data in OverOps environments and role permissions to reflect the user’s current authorization as set on the IDP data
  • Improved the performance of event-related APIs


  • Added net.sourceforge (all net.sourceforge libraries) and com.wily as 3rd party libraries (will be excluded)
  • Improved the accuracy of CPU load average metrics reporting

4.36.1 May 1, 2109

Reliability Dashboard

  • Internal bug fix

4.36.0 April 23rd 2019


  • Emphasized Force Snapshot button in ARC screen for improved visibility
  • The 'Apply' button was updated to affect for all 3 Apps/Deployments/Servers filters in the top bar
  • Added support for filtering AppDynamics events
  • Bug fix in ARC screen - Selecting text in the ARC source code didn’t mark the source as selected
  • Fetch / Edit Alert settings for a view - added ‘alert on anomaly’ field
  • Events API - fix in event labels shows irrelevant data




When upgrading your Agent to this version, remember to upgrade the Collector to the latest version as well.


April 22nd, 2019


  • Added info about existing alerts for applications and tiers in the main reliability dashboard


  • Bug fix: Collector UCP: Potential 'No Details' in short-lived agents

4.35.4 April 21st, 2019


  • Internal bug fix

4.35.3 April 18th, 2019


  • Adjustments to group editing flow in the reliability settings

4.35.2 April 17th, 2019


  • Bug fix - missing column in ‘Alerts summary`
  • Added app tier routing UDF

4.35.1 April 15th, 2019


  • Bug fix in Active Alerts API - Some category names were missing
  • New API to list all available system metrics

4.35.0 April 14th, 2019


  • Improvements in large read operations for on-premises
  • Added --debug flag to set full debug info*


  • Printing periodic stats on the collector’s log (default 2 min) - disk space of takipi home dir, num of threads etc.
  • Improved handling of connectivity issues


  • New System Metric information is collected
  • log4j instrumentation fix


  • Fixes in transaction and home dashboard
  • UDF - Allow alert mechanism to fire on every entry point
  • Removed incorrect caching of graph data

Backend (on-premises)

  • Fix - Log Cleaner causes too many open files


  • New system metric API to make available CPU, GC, Memory, threads, JDBC connections, etc. information
  • Adding stacktrace to event metadata (optional)

4.34.2 April 11th, 2019


  • Management Console (Settings) internal URL redirection updates
  • Fix in ARC view that blocked Viewer from reviewing Forced-Snapshot data
  • Added Application Tiers support in Reliability Dashboard settings

4.34.1 April 8th, 2019


  • Banned autogenerated sisu classes from instrumentation

4.34.0 April 8th, 2019

Reliability Dashboards

  • The Errors dashboard has been revamped to show baseline vs active in accordance with the slowdown and increasing errors dashboards, for better correlation
  • Top boxes have been added to enable easy filtering
  • On the Errors Dashboard: clicking one of the top indicators takes you to the Errors-drill down Dashboard which provides a zoom into an event type
  • Ranking of all errors has been added to the Errors Dashboard.
  • Fix - Events groups are now scored correctly to take into account the number of participating apps in the score
  • Improved support with multiple environments data selections
  • Improved tooltip data and icons
  • Fail rate deltas within the home dashboard now use up arrow indicators to show increases in transaction fail rate.
  • The Errors dashboard is now a first class citizen within the home dashboard, as we begin moving towards the reliability dashboards as the main user experience. A link to the install portal has been added.
  • Various performance improvements


  • New System Metric information is collected
  • log4j instrumentation fix


  • Fixes in transaction and home dashboard
  • UDF - Allow alert mechanism to fire on every entry point
  • Removed incorrect caching of graph data

Backend (on-premises)

  • Fix - Log Cleaner causes too many open files


  • New system metric API to make available CPU, GC, Memory, threads, JDBC connections, etc. information
  • Adding stacktrace to event metadata (optional)

4.33.1 April 2nd, 2019


  • Various bugfixes

4.33.0 March 28, 2019

Reliability Dashboards

  • Overall performance improvements using new caching mechanism


  • SAML Groups - Provision environments and roles via SAML.
  • Dashboard columns are now persistent across all views and between sessions
  • Released api-client 2.19.0
  • Fix - preventing duplicate view creation
  • Minor UI improvements
  • The following packages have been added to the blacklist
  • org.togglz.junit
  • org.ofbiz
  • springfox
  • org.ehcache

Backend (on-premises)

  • Fix - The following admin_cli command has been revised and fixed: transfer_ownership_of_service

4.32.7 March 24, 2019

Reliability Dashboards

  • Deployments in scorecard now show their lifetime.
  • API settings classes moved to the central api-client maven project for use by Jenkins, UDFs and future integrations (e.g. Bamboo)
  • All volume and transaction graphs axis and titles now show volumes for easier correlation and prio
  • Fixes and performance optimizations
  • support for regex expressions when defining app groups


March 21, 2019


  • BugFix - "This user does not have privileges for this operation. Please contact your administrator"
  • BugFix - "Can't delete package Class"


March 20, 2019


  • MySQL SSL data connection off by default
  • MySQL First time installation - creation of partition time improved
  • added timeline to Reliability Dashboard
  • various bug fixes


  • Alerts summary for an environment


March 18, 2019


  • various bug fixes


  • parallax dead-lock removed


March 14, 2019


Management console fix


March 14, 2019


various bug fixes


March 13, 2019

Backend (on-premises)

  • Introduction of a new Super Admin role. Users assigned with this role can upload global UDFs
  • A new set of admin-cli commands to manage assignments of Super Admins.
    ./ admin-cli LIST_SUPER_ADMINS
    ./ admin-cli SET_SUPER_ADMIN [email protected]
    ./ admin-cli UNSET_SUPER_ADMIN [email protected]
  • Default user upon new installation is now: [email protected], this user is owner of the default key: S1


  • Introducing a new user Role in OverOps: Viewer
    A user granted with Viewer role has read-only access to the environment.
    A viewer can access the Events explorer, view & edit event notes, access the different team views, the ARC screens and the Reliability Dashboards.
    However, a Viewer will have limited access to the Settings, to the API and will not be allowed to invite other members to the Key or to generate a new environment keys.


March 13,2019
###Reliability Dashboard

  • Reliability Dashboards minor updates


March 12,2019

  • /services/{env_id}/views/{view_id}/events API update from release 4.31.0 has been removed


March 11,2019

  • New Reliability Home Dashboard


March 10, 2019


  • Refactor of /services/{env_id}/views/{view_id}/events endpoint to improve error handling and performance


March 10, 2019

Backend (on-premises)

  • Added command-line support for configuring SSL for MySQL


  • Announcement indicator button on the top application bar - linking to the whats-new documentation page. This indicator will signal when new release notes are available
  • Improving the way events, with available snapshot data, appear on the ARC screen graph by using visual hints for these points on the graph (where you can ‘Go to snapshot’)
  • Api Client update with new settings methods
  • Fix - events disappeared from events grid when exceeding amount of allowed events in Trial mode
  • Fix - updated parser handling of JSP code
  • Fix - cases where two entry points incorrectly appeared on the call stack
  • Added tooltips for View Categories


  • /services/{env_id}/views/{view_id}/events has been updated to return aggregated transaction events (packs) - each event in the response object represents the oldest transaction hit for that event

Reliability Dashboard

  • Added a set of editors to set rules, thresholds and preferences for OverOps dashboards logic and organization


March 8th, 2019


  • Reliability Dashboard Data Connection API fix


Feb 25, 2019


  • Added support for Java 9 constant pool tags


  • Bug fix: When moving between 'Service Keys' with filter of "Last Hour" - the grid showed results from the 'Last Week’'
  • Minor bug fixes


Feb 24, 2019

  • Internal bug fixes and optimizations

4.30.19 Feb 19, 2019


  • Bug fix: applied filters are now maintained between browser Refresh operations
  • Minor UI fixes


Feb 18, 2019

  • UI deployments filter improvement - handling large number of deployments
  • Bug fix: resolving empty values case in Deployments filter
  • Minor UI fixes


Feb 14, 2019

  • UX improvements in the Apps/Deployments/Servers top filters
  • Emphasizing the current time filter when moving into a View which changes it
  • Key Admins will be able to upload UDFs to their own key
  • Restricting ‘Publish Metrics’ settings to Admin role
  • Minor API and UI bug fixes


Feb 14, 2019

  • Agent Push Statistics - optional feature, to enable use flag Dtakipi.stats.interval
  • Bug fix: machine-code-throttling-mechanism issue with Java 8u191

4.30.13 Feb 12.2019


  • Minor bug fixes

4.30.12 Feb 10, 2019


  • Event snapshots triggered by AppDynamics will now be sent to a dedicated View (under the Hidden category) and will not trigger an additional alert in OverOps

4.30.11 Feb 6, 2019


  • Bug fix - Optimizing instrumentations and settings updates in cases where they were CPU intensive
  • Out of Disk space on backend caused machine-code-throttling mechanism not to be active


  • Minor bug fixes

4.30.10 Feb 4, 2019

Client and Backend

  • Internal mechanism update to improve bytecode decompilation and minor bug fixes

4.30.9 Feb 1, 2019


  • Minor bug fix push frequency

4.30.8 Jan 30, 2019


  • IPC Flag causing Collector to crash in certain circumstances


Jan 24, 2019


  • Internal updates and minor bug fixes


Jan 24, 2019


  • Bug fix to prevent a potential crash related to using G1 GC

4.30.5 Jan 24, 2019


  • Bug fix resolving specific class name parsing issue

4.30.4 Jan 23, 2019

Application and Backend (on-premises only)

  • Resolving issue of missing graph data in the ARC view of Timer events

Reliability Dashboards

  • Top errors widget was added to Reliability Analysis Dashboard
  • New in Event Diff Dashboard: TimeDiff enables you to compare behavior from today to 1h,1d,1w ago
  • Input validation fixes on the Dashboard Settings page

4.30.3 Jan 23, 2019

Backend (on-premises only)

  • Internal DB fix: better handling of timed-out connections

4.30.2 Jan 22, 2019


  • A new global Settings page is now available. Access the new page using the Settings menu on the main OverOps home page
  • Settings page links bug fixes
  • Linking between the installation key dialog to the new environments settings page
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Added calls for upload and download of the Reliability Dashboards settings
  • GET team members - added invitation links
  • Added a call to enable/disable the data reduction filtering (authorized for environment admin/owner only)


  • Bug fix in integration with AppDynamic agent (Root cause link will now appear)
  • Bug fix related to working with Apache HTTPD proxy in SSL mode
  • Statistics mechanism improvements: improving the way statistics are being sent and processed, which improves performance and prevents issues of lost data

4.30.1 Jan 21, 2019


  • A new global Settings page is now available. Access the new page using the Settings menu on the main OverOps home page

4.30 Jan 20, 2019

Remote Collector

  • Improved thread management - limiting the thread number and allocation of threads per number of agents. New collector flags to control the thread settings: takipi.handler.threads, takipi.handler.clients (500 Scale)
  • Enlarged collector log cycle (100 MB log file)
  • Collector Hits folder redesign for improved I/O handling - new folders under RootHitsData: Partial, AHD, Hits, Enc
  • Separating a sub-type of agent log notifications to the collector into a separate agent log file. New log file names will be as follows: bugtale_service_agent.[agent pid]-[unique encoding for each agent IP & port]
  • Improving the management of Jar symbols
  • Improved service recovery in Linux
  • Periodic bug fixes and scalability improvements

Backend (On-Premises only)

  • New memory allocation configurations flags and automatic recommended calculation to control the internal allocation of the backend and the total usage of memory by the backend: --skip-heap-calc and --memory-usage-percent
  • Periodic bug fixes and scalability improvements

4.29.1 Jan 15, 2019

On-Prem Backend

  • Disabling the new Reliability Dashboards button for on-prem. To enable (when integrating with an on-prem Grafana) follow the instructions in our documentation

4.29.0 Jan 15, 2019


  • Introducing our new Reliability Dashboards!
    We are now providing you with a full overview on any OverOps environment showing the reliability state of an application from the high level summary all the way to the details by drilling down into what exactly is failing. To learn more check out our Reliability Dashboard Overview.
    To access our new dashboards click on the new Reliability Dashboard button on the top navigation toolbar.
  • Introducing a new performance monitoring feature!
    As of this release we are automatically adding timers to measure transaction execution-time and locate slowdowns through our a new UDF called “Automatic entry point timers” which will be enabled on an Admin view called “Performance Slowdowns”. All slowdown events can be viewed from “My Timers” view
    See Automatic Timers and Slowdown Snapshots for details.
  • Extending Timer Events graph to include visual indication of current snapshot and the ability to go back to the current snapshot if manipulating the graph
  • A tooltip was added to the current transaction entry-point arrow in the stack trace (of the ARC screen)
  • The Log view (in the ARC screen) Error line was modified to now show a Timer event type for the transaction that exceeded the threshold


  • Updating the calculation of the timers to take into account different cases of transactions flows and provide better accuracy

4.28.11 Jan 14, 2019


  • Bug fix in the Events Explorer grid where some events were missing when filtering on the Application column


  • Minor addition of debug logs

4.28.7 - 4.28.10

  • Minor bug fixes and tweaks (such as debug logs).

4.28.6 Jan 4, 2019

Backend and Agent

  • Improving the grouping of Timer events, which belong to the same transaction, in the OverOps Dashboard grid


  • Memory management bug fix which occurred in cases where very high number of classes were loaded

4.28.5 Jan 2, 2019


  • Alphabetical ordering of all Servers/Apps/Deployments values in the filters
  • New Views created will be enabled by default to be shared with team members
  • A warning notification will be displayed when adding email alerts for all team members
  • On-Prem fix for generation of the automatic routing view alerts (in an upgrade scenario)
  • Bug fix for missing applications in the application column filter


  • Allow to view and edit default alerts settings
  • Authorization bug fix for GET events API call
  • Team Management - 'Add members' response restructure
  • Extending the GET Categories API call with options to get category by name and to control whether to populate the view’s values in the response


  • Fix to reduce/clean-up excessive logging in agent log when no connectivity to a remote collector


December 27, 2018


  • Various bug fixes (fixing rare occurrences of missing graphs for timer events)

4.28.3 December 23, 2018


  • Potential crash bug fix


  • Timer events will now be part of Timers views only and will not appear in other views
  • The Timer Events ARC screen will now display a graph with the average runtime of the transaction

4.28.2 December 20, 2018


  • various bug fixes

4.28.1 December 19, 2018


  • various bug fixes

4.28.0 December 17, 2018

Application (SaaS)

Introducing 3 new View categories based on our new User Defined Function.

  • Tiers - under ‘Tiers’ you will find new Views where each is categorized based on where the event was originated (for example: DB, Infra, Framework)
  • Apps - under ‘Apps’ you will see Views for each live application you have
  • CI/CD - under ‘CI/CD’ you will find Views for the most recent deployments which introduced new events

For more information see: View Pane - Admin Category section


Introducing a significant scaling improvement: A remote Collector can now support up to 150 concurrent JVMs.
Note: The collector has to run as a "remote" Collector to be able to scale. (use the switch: --listen_port 6060 to run as remote Collector)

4.27.5 December 13, 2018

Application (SaaS and On-Prem)

  • Fixing visibility issue of Admin views (of views that should only be seen by Admins)
  • Re-order of newly created category views to be placed higher for improved visibility

4.27.4 December 11, 2018

Backend and On-Prem

  • API - Entrypoints and graph calls optimizations

4.27.3 December 10, 2018

Backend and On-Prem

  • Improving the user experience of UDFs parameters editing
  • API - Now supporting delete view operation

4.27.2 December 10, 2018


  • Bug fix related to the new Timer feature, preventing possible crash cases with specific Java classes


  • Minor backend optimizations

4.27.1 December 7, 2018


  • Important agent bug fix that improves Tomcat startup time in rare cases where it was slowed down
  • Bug fix of possible crash related to the new Timers beta feature (not activated by default yet)

Backend and On-Prem

  • Minor visual bug fixes
  • Bug fix of possible crash related to the new Timers beta feature (not activated by default yet)

4.27 December 5, 2018


  • OverOps Dashboard UI fixes and updates
  • Added deployment information in the ARC view with details where the event was first seen and where the snapshot was taken


  • Team management API fixes


Upgrade Advisory for 4.25.x

An Issue was introduced with Version 4.25.x which could cause a JVM Crash. We strongly recommend upgrading to 4.26.1 or newer version if your Micro-Agent is running 4.25.x or 4.26.0.


December 4, 2018


  • API - Allow additional filtering for a View
  • UDF - Allow Setting Auto timers UDF on a dedicated view for a selected key
  • Add detailed class name, method name and desc to api transaction
  • various bug fixes.


  • Critical JVM fix for Version 4.25.x / 4.26.0


December 3, 2018

Backend & Agent

  • Introducing an improved Timers feature. More details will follow on next releases.


November 29, 2018

  • Minor bug fixes


Nov 27th, 2018


  • Dashboard slowing loading times in conjunction with VERY large amounts of Server/App/deployments values.
  • Walk-me How-To Guides enabled


Nov 23st, 2018

Agent and Backend

  • Infrastructure updates to support a new Timers feature


  • Optimizations


Nov 21st, 2018

Agent and Collectors

  • Improved format and clarity of Internal logging for the Agent and the Collector
  • Added more information to the logs (such as Hits, and Remote Collector connectivity).


Nov 20th, 2018


*New user Defined Function were added and can now be configure alerts. The functions are available on our SaaS and On-Premises installation.


Nov 11th, 2018


  • Global Alerts - allow administrators to edit alerts for particular views across all key users
  • UI bug fixes
  • Exception messages were added to the dashboard grid
  • Optimized default email alert frequency
  • Renaming the event “Delete” action to “Hide” and the default “Trash” view to “Hidden Events”
  • A new feedback form was added to the dashboard - providing means to contact and interact with us
  • Performance improvements


  • Adding creation date and creator to the Labels API
  • View History calls were added
  • Publish metrics calls were added


  • Improved agent boot time (-Dtakipi.boot.time)
  • Added support with communication with the remote collector through ports above 32000


Nov 12th, 2018

  • various bug fixes


Nov 13th, 2018

  • SAML fix
  • external-host-url does not work without a port


November 5th, 2018

  • App Dynamics Integration improvement - enrichment of App Dynamics slowdown snapshots with OverOps ARC data Improved support for Java 9


November 6th, 2018

  • SAML improvements - Sign responses using certificate


November 7th, 2018

  • Jaqen: Connections lost in Dynalite

4.20.0 - Sprint 18

October 28th, 2018

  • Views that are not associated with specific category will be attached to a specific category based on the view's permission (Private / Shared / Admin)
  • UI Bug fixes - Installation keys scroller, time picker


  • Log View Improvements
  • Improved bandwidth between agent and collector
  • Improved Entry Point discovery


  • Fixed a rare race condition in the collector that could result in a process crash

What is new in 4.19.0

October 10, 2018

  • Added option to refresh the source code from the OverOps database, see: Automated Root Cause (ARC) Screen
  • Added System Metrics to Publish Metrics, see: Publish Metrics
  • Bug fixes
  • UI improvements.


  • Change Environment Metrics to System Metrics, see: Publish Metrics
  • Bug fixes.

What is new in 4.18.1

September 17, 2018

  • New UDF Infrastructure
  • New Admin views and categories for UDF Infrastructure
  • Publish Metrics - Default Patterns for output formats
  • ARC Screen - decompiler and source origin information available
  • Improved representation of Scala source code
  • Improved messaging for Log View
  • SAML support for Service Provider certificates
  • Performance improvements.


  • Added Infrastructure Routing data to Publish Metrics via UDF.


  • Bug fixes.

4.17 - August 29, 2018


  • Moved Labels into the event list as a dedicated column
  • UI improvements.


  • Added timestamp of when the event was first seen to Events in Publish Metrics.


  • Added agent property to set logging frameworks
  • Bug fixes.

4.16 - August 15, 2018

4.15.3 - August 9th

  • Log View Absence Reason Code

4.15.1 - August 02, 2018


  • Improved timepicker
  • Added a forced snapshot action to override the snapshot algorithm and order a snapshot next time the event occurs
  • Added exception objects to the variable table in the ARC screen
  • Improved support for SMTP for On-Premises deployments
  • Added support for Vanilla LDAP for On-Premises deployments
  • On-Premises Non-Docker performance improvements
  • UI improvements
  • Bug fixes.


  • Improved support for IBM J9 JVM
  • Added exception objects to the variable table in the ARC screen
  • Added customization of minimum log level of the Log View, see Agent Properties.
  • Bug fixes.

4.15.0 - July 19, 2018


  • Added support for Java 1.9
  • Added Jira issue identifier to events for publishing metrics, see Metric Name Formats
  • Bug fixes
  • UI fixes.


  • Improved support for Javaassist
  • Added a flag to disable instrumentation and collection of entry point information.
  • Added support for Java 1.9
  • Added Jira issue identifier to events for publishing metrics, see Metric Name Formats
  • Bug fixes.

4.14.4 - July 12, 2018


  • Added unique event identifier to events for publishing metrics, see Metric Name Formats
  • Database optimization
  • Bug fixes
  • UI fixes.
  • Added unique event identifier to events for publishing metrics, see Metric Name Formats
  • Bug fixes.