Collector Installation Options


This article details the available options in the Collector installation using the file.

First, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the list of options that are currently available. You can use the following command to view the list in a clear and usable format:
wget -O - -o /dev/null | bash /dev/stdin --help

Usage: ./takipi-installer [options]
  -h    --help               Print this usage                                                       
        --installer_url      Specify installation tarball URL                                       
        --wipe               Wipe Collector's data                                                  
  -v    --verbose            Enable verbose logging                                                 
        --non_interactive    Run in non-interactive mode                                            
        --skipjversion       Do not verify Java version                                             
        --install_jdk        Install the JDK                                                        
  -sk   --installation_key   Specify installation key                                               
  -token --installation_token Specify installation token                                             
        --server_name        Specify server name                                                    
        --backend_url        Specify backend URL                                                    
        --storage_test_url   Specify storage ping URL                                               
        --listen_port        Specify collector port to listen                                       
        --collector_host     Specify a remote collector host                                        
        --tmp_dir            TEMP folder for the installation                                       
        --tmp_dir_minimal_size TEMP folder minimal free space for the installation (in Bytes)         
        --collector_port     Specify a remote collector port                                        
        --passphrase         Specify an authentication token between Daemon and Agent               
        --installation_dir   Specify the installation directory                                     
        --installation_dir_minimal_size Specify the installation directory minimal free space (in Bytes)       
        --strict             Exit on first error or continue all validations                        
        --dry_run            If set will validate the pre requirements only                         
        --unprivileged       Run in unprivileged mode (different user then root)                    
        --user               Specify the user name                                                  
        --password           Specify the new user password                                          
        --group              Specify the user group                                                 
        --shutdownGraceTime  Sleep on agent shutdown                                                
        --resources_size_limit Specify the resource folder limit in MB                                
        --local_collector    Force local collector                                                  
        --work_path          Create the symlink to an external work folder                          
        --log_path           Create the symlink to an external log folder                           
        --https_proxy        An Https proxy used to connect to the Internet                         
        --no_check_certificate Skip certificate validation