Upgrade the Linux Collector


Removing the application folder

To prevent exposure to potential security vulnerabilities in older libraries/jars please remove the takipi folder and install the binaries from the newly downloaded version.

To upgrade the Linux Collector:

  1. Copy the following configuration files (not all of them might be present) to a backup location
  • agent.properties
  • collector.properties
  • installation.key
  • installation.token
  1. Note the owner:group and permissions for the folders/files and subfolders

  2. From https://app.overops.com/app/download?t=tgz, download the Collector installation TAR file:
    wget --content-disposition "https://app.overops.com/app/download?t=tgz"

    wget --content-disposition "$TAKIPI_HOST:8080/app/download?t=tgz"

  3. Stop the Collector by following the instructions here.

  4. Remove the takipi folder completely from the system

  5. Extract the new binaries (by default they are installed in /opt):
    sudo tar -xvf <downloaded.tar.gz> -C /opt

  6. Copy the previously saved configuration files back into the takipi folder.

  7. Validate the permissions are set as previously noted for the folders AND subfolders
    Change as required by running the following command(s):
    sudo chown -R <owner:group> /opt/takipi
    sudo chmod ...

  8. Start the Collector by following the instructions here. Remember to watch the logs for any warnings or errors.

  9. Verify your upgrade using these instructions.