Install a Variable Store on a Local Server

Installing the Variable Store on a Local Server

  1. From the following URL, download the Variable Store installation file:
  2. Extract files to the /opt directory:
    sudo tar zxvf takipi-storage-latest.tar.gz -C /opt
  3. Configure and copy the takipi-storage file to the init.d directory:
    sudo chmod +x /opt/takipi-storage/etc/
    sudo cp /opt/takipi-storage/etc/takipi-storage.init /etc/init.d/takipi-storage
    Verify that the /etc/init.d/takipi-storage file points to a valid Java installation.
  4. Depending on the Linux Initialization system, run additional installation steps:
    a. OpenRC:
    sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d takipi-storage defaults
    b. systemd:
  • Make a copy of file /opt/takipi-storage/etc/takipi-storage.init-systemd
  • Replace the @xxx@ placeholders in the file accordingly to your installation
  • Copy/Rename the file to the systemd directory -->
    sudo cp /opt/takipi-storage/etc/takipi-storage.init-systemd /etc/systemd/system/takipi-storage.service
  • Enable that new service if necessary ---> sudo systemctl enable takipi-storage.service

c. upstart:

  • Make a copy of file /opt/takipi-storage/etc/takipi-storage.init-upstart
  • Replace the @xxx@ placeholders in the file accordingly to your installation
  • Copy/Rename the file to the systemd directory -->
    sudo cp /opt/takipi-storage/etc/takipi-storage.init-systemd /etc/init/takipi-storage.conf
  • Enable that new service if necessary ---> sudo initctl reload-configuration

d. Other Linux:
sudo /sbin/chkconfig takipi-storage on

Sample takipi-storage.service file

Description=Takipi daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/takipi-storage/lib/takipi-storage.jar server /opt/takipi-storage/settings.yml

  1. Start the service:
    sudo service takipi-storage start
  2. Verify that the Variable Store is running:
    ps -ef | grep takipi-storage
    If service does not start check the logs and send to the OverOps team:
    less /opt/takipi-storage/log/takipi-storage.log