Command Line Arguments for On-Premises Servers

The list below includes useful Command Line arguments to be used for the On-Premises server:

sudo /opt/takipi-server/bin/ install --help
Usage: ./ [start/stop/restart/oneliner/config/admin-cli/cleanup/install] [options]
  -v --verbose                 Enable verbose logging
  -h --help                    Print this usage
     --skip-resource-validation Skip minimal resources validation (disk space, etc.)
     --validate                Validate the server started successfully before returning (default: false)
     --no-forever              Avoid forever process - useful when running as a systemd daemon (default: false)
  Server configuration:
     --debug                   Log extensive debug information to log files
  -u --host-url                The host name or IP address of the server
     --proxy-url               The proxy name or IP address witn explicit URL (example: http://server-name:8080)
     --frontend-url            Server name to be used for WEB UI
     --api-url                 Sets the internal API endpoint used by Grafana. Defaults to http://localhost:8080
     --external-storage-url    External storage URL, usually used for multi-node or TLS proxy support
     --catalina-opts           JVM arguments for Tomcat
     --master-port             The port number for the main server                (default: 8080)
     --thread-pool-size        The number of threads used for event processing    (default: Calculated)
     --db-connection-pool-size Connection pool size of the DB component           (default: Calculated)
  Dynalite options: [DEPRECATED]
     --dynalite-on             Force using Dynalite                               (default: false)
     --dynalite-off            Force using RDS instead of Dynalite                (default: true)
     --dynalite-opts           Command line options for Dynalite
     --dynalite-port           The port number for Dynalite                       (default: 4567)
     --dynamite-count          Number of Dynamite processes                       (default: Calculated)
  Setup configurations:
     --storage-path            Create the symlink to an external storage folder
     --log-path                Create the symlink to an external log folder
     --temp-path               Create the symlink to an external temp folder
     --user                    Run the server as user
     --group                   Run the server as group
     --daemon-name             Systemd daemon name                                (default: takipi-server)
     --validate                Validate the server started successfully before 'systemd start ..' return (default: false)
  Memory configurations:
     --skip-heap-calc          Skip Java heap calculation for all processes
     --memory-usage-percent    Total memory to be used by the Server (default: 60% of the RAM)
  DB configuration
     --db-type            RDBMS type (mysql, h2, postgresql or oracle)       (default: h2 unless --db-url specified)
  H2 parameters: (used if --db-type h2 specified)
     --h2-stats-port      The port number for the stats server               (default: 5000)
     --h2-db-port         The port number for the db server                  (default: 5001)
     --h2-queue-port      The port number for Queue DB backend               (default: 5002)
     --h2-pds-port        The port number for PDS DB backend                 (default: 5003)
  Postgres/Mysql/Oracle parameters: (used if --db-type mysql/postgresql/oracle specified)
     --db-url             JDBC URL of rds server                             (default: )
  	Oracle Example:      jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host_name>/orcl
  	MySQL Example:       jdbc:mysql://<host_name>
  	Postgres Example:    jdbc:postgresql://<host_name>
     --db-user            User for rds server                                (default: )
     --db-password        Password for rds server                            (default: )
     --db-ssl             Enable ssl for database communication              (default: true)
     --no-db-ssl          Disable ssl for database communication             (default: false)
     --db-auth-type       RDBMS auth type (kerberos)                         (default: user/pass if not specified.)
     --kerb-cache-file    Full file location of Kerberos cache file          (default: )
     --kerb-conf-file     Full file location of Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf) (default: )
  Grafana configurations:
     --skip-grafana            Skip running grafana
  Redis configurations:
     --redis-nodes             The redis nodes. Multiple nodes can be configured with redis-nodes parameter
  	Nodes example:            "redis://domain-name1:6379 redis://domain-name2:6379"
     --redis-type              Redis cluster type (SINGLE, CLUSTER, ELASTICACHE or MASTER_SLAVE)  (default: SINGLE)
     --no-redis                Remove redis configurations
  Starting the server
	./ -u 123.456.789.0 start
  Stopping the server
	./ stop
  Print the daemons install command
	./ oneliner

Memory Configurations

The internal memory recommended allocation is calculated on each run into opt/takipi-server/bin/ This file can be edited and modified to set different values for each process.

When running the script with the config command it performs all the same functions as the start command but without actually starting the server.

Admin-cli Commands for Super Admins

The list below includes additional set of admin-cli commands to manage assignments of Super Admins:


Using the admin-cli SUPER_ADMIN Commands

When using these commands it may take up to an hour for the change to take place. Alternatively, restarting the takipi-server after applying these commands will apply them immediately.

Usage: ./ admin-cli [COMMAND] [user]

If you're using several logging frameworks for different applications within the same web containers, add this flag to CATALINA_OPTS in /bin/ or to CATALINA_OPTS / JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS.

Note that this flag should be used with caution and only when the default behavior doesn’t work - the flag is not intended as a best practice. Before using the flag, make sure an engineer looks at the Micro-Agent logs to validate that this is indeed the issue.

Validate Parameter

The --validate parameter causes the to wait until the server is fully up and running. If the server fails to start the script will hang for up to 5 minutes. The parameter is disabled by default.

User and Group Parameters

The following parameters let you install run the server with a user and group.

--userLets you install and run the server with a user.When installing with a user with root permissions (sudo) but the actual owner could be another user - this parameter doesn't limit the install and server running to the user who does the installation.

Move to
--groupRun the server as groupThis is the same as for the user, but usually the parameters will be a combination of user + group (often the same name) - see example below.

Move to

Installing with the User/Group Parameter

Using the user/group parameters affects the permissions of files under /opt/takipi-server, since the
Systemd Linux Service Manager daemon runs the process with this user/group.

This doesn't guarantee, however, that manually running ./takipi-server start ... will then be run from this user/group.

Here's an example of how these parameters are used:

$JAQEN_HOME/bin/ install --user david --group david --storage-path /mnt/external-storage

Adjusting URLs used to access the Reliability Dashboards

When accessing the Reliability Dashboards when the backend is running behind a load balancer or with strict firewall rules you can use the --api-url flag to set the internal API endpoint used by Grafana. The default will be: http://localhost:8080.
The corresponding environment variable for this setting is TAKIPI_API_URL.