Install a Collector on Linux
This section describes the OverOps Collector installation on Linux. There are two methods for installing a Collector on Linux:
- When the user has root privileges on the machine
- When the user doesn't have root privileges on the machine (aka rootless)
Follow the steps below for the relevant solution.`
- Before installing the Collector, verify that these software and hardware requirements are in place.
- Verify that Java is installed.
- You'll need an installation key for this procedure:
- If you reached this article from the OverOps application, you were provided a key before reaching this document.
- You can also get this key by going to the Settings page, clicking Manage Environments in the top right corner, and copying the installation key of the environment that you're installing.
When copying and pasting the command lines from the documentation, verify that all characters are copied correctly.
Installing a Collector with Root Privileges
Collector Network Requirements
Before installing the Collector, review the OverOps Installation Prerequisites for Collector network requirements.
In addition, verify that Java is installed before you begin the Collector installation.
Set a Collector Port
- Select a TCP port to connect to the Collector port: <COLLECTOR_PORT>.
- Verify that the <COLLECTOR_PORT> is not blocked by any firewall.
Run the Installation Script
Use the fields below to generate the installation command for the Collector.
First, select the deployment configuration: SaaS or On-Premises.
Deployment Configuration
Verify Installation
Verify that the takipi-service is running:
ps -ef | grep takipi
Save the Collector Host and Port for the Next Steps
Save the IP address of the <COLLECTOR_HOST>, and the Collector listening port <COLLECTOR_PORT>. You will need them in the agent installation step.
Installing a Collector without Root Privileges
Collector Network Requirements
Before installing the Collector, review the OverOps Installation Prerequisites for the Collector network requirements.
In addition, verify that Java is installed before you begin the Collector installation.
Step 1: Download the Collector Installation TAR File
Follow the instructions for downloading the TAR file according to your deployment model: SaaS or On-Premises.
Downloading the TAR File for SaaS
- From the download site, download the Collector installation TAR file.
wget --content-disposition
- Extract the files to your working folder:
tar -xf takipi-latest.tar.gz
This creates a ‘takipi’ folder on your machine.
Downloading the TAR File for On-Premises
- From the On-Premises server, download the Agent installation TAR file.
wget -O takipi.tar.gz "$TAKIPI_HOST:8080/app/download?t=tgz"
- Extract the files to your working folder:
`tar xvf takipi.tar.gz
This creates a ‘takipi’ folder on your machine.
Step 2: Add the Installation Key to the Takipi Folder
- Verify that you have the installation key. If you don't have one, follow the instructions for generating an installation key.
- Copy and paste the installation key into a text file named installation.key.
- Go to the takipi directory on your machine (i.e.,
) and save the installation.key file there.
Step 3: Create a File
Create a file in the takipi directory. Use the templates below to create a file according to your deployment model (SaaS, On-Premises, On-Premises Data).
SaaS File Template
# The internal JVM max heap size
# The TCP port to listen on
# The server name of the Collector. Leave empty for HOSTNAME<COLLECTOR_HOST>
On-Premises Data File Template
# The internal JVM max heap size
# The TCP port to listen on
# The server name of the Collector. Leave empty for HOSTNAME<COLLECTOR_HOST>
On-Premises File Template
# The internal JVM max heap size
# The TCP port to listen on
# The server name of the Collector. Leave empty for HOSTNAME<COLLECTOR_HOST>
Step 4: Run the Collector
Run the Collector using the following command:
nohup <PATH_TO_TAKIPI>/takipi/bin/takipi-service &
Remember to replace <APTH_TO_TAKIPI> with your directory path.
Alternatively, run the Collector as a service sudo using the systemd (daemon); for example: /opt/takipi/etc/init
For troubleshooting purposes, you can run the Collector in your terminal window and enable logging:
<PATH_TO_TAKIPI>/takipi/bin/takipi-service -l
Optional: Run the Collector Using the Watchdog Option
The watchdog feature makes it possible to start the Collector by a user without root permissions using “watchdog” (i.e., if the Collector exits for any reason, it will be automatically restarted).
- Run the Collector with Watchdog with the script takipi-start --non_root_wd: starts according to the running takipi-start script location. Note that the Collector installation directory and its sub directories must have read and write permission for the user starting it.
- You can also stop the Collector using same flag, like: “takipi stop –non_root”.
Test the Installation
- Test the installation:
From the OverOps web application ( Dashboard, click Add Server and then, from the dialog box, click Next and then click Test Installation.
When the connection is established, the Collector status is 'Monitoring'. - Verify that your application throws exceptions.
Rootless installation does not enable the Collector to start automatically after a reboot. - Run the Collector as a daemon according to your system.
Updated almost 5 years ago