ServiceNow Integration
ServiceNow is a software platform that supports IT service management and automates common business processes. ServiceNow enables you to integrate with a wide range of other tools in your environment, including OverOps, and the integration between OverOps and ServiceNow is simple to set up.
When configured, ServiceNow integration enables you to view events detected by OverOps in the selected ServiceNow table.
ServiceNow displays every new event from your application, including the event type, name, and environment, as well as a link to the ARC screen in OverOps. The message also displays the call stack, and the server, JVM and deployment (if you named them) in which the error occurred. Click the event name to open the OverOps ARC screen, and further investigate its exact variable values.
Setting up the Integration
- From your ServiceNow account, copy your instance’s URL.
- Open Settings by clicking Settings in the top right corner of the OverOps dashboard.
This opens the Settings dashboard for the environment you're in (you can see the environment in the upper left corner of the screen).
- Click Alerts and then click the ServiceNow tab.
- Paste the URL from ServiceNow into the OverOps ServiceNow integration window and then paste your integration key.
- Enter your user ID and password.
- Click Load Tables, and then choose a ServiceNow application to which you want OverOps to send alerts. For example, choose incident if you want the Incidents created in ServiceNow.
- Click Apply.
Now that the default settings are in place, you'll need to add alerts in OverOps to use the ServiceNow integration.
Example Alert
- Click the vertical ellipsis in the "New Today" view in the left pane of the OverOps dashboard and then click Add Alerts.
The Alert Settings dialog box will open.
2. Move the slider next to ServiceNow to the right to enable the integration. The settings you configured when setting up the integration (see above) will be the default, however, you can change the settings to load the alert to a different application in ServiceNow (Events, CMDB, etc.).
Turn Off ServiceNow Alert
To turn off the Alert, move the slider next to ServiceNow to the left to disable the integration.
Adding a ServiceNow Alert through the Manage Alerts Dashboard
- Follow the steps for adding a new alert and then select the ServiceNow tab.
- Complete the details for the alert and click Apply to save your changes.
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Updated over 4 years ago