Upgrade the Java Micro-Agent for Linux
Upgrading the Java Micro-Agent for Linux
From https://app.overops.com/app/download?t=sa-tgz, download the Micro-Agent installation TAR file
wget --content-disposition "https://app.overops.com/app/download?t=sa-tgz"
wget --content-disposition "$TAKIPI_HOST:8080/app/download?t=sa-tgz"
Make a note of the owner:group and permissions of the takipi folder and subfolders
Take a backup of the
file -
Shut down the JVM application that has the agent enabled
Extract files to your working folder (by default we install in `
tar -xvf <downloaded tar.gz file> -C /opt
If you don't have permission to the /opt directory please untar the file with sudo.
Owner of takipi folder
We strongly recommend changing the <owner:group> of the takipi folder to be the same as the <owner:group> under which you run your application to avoid any permissions issues!
Validate the owner:group and permissions are correct
Change as required by running the following command:
sudo chown -R <owner:group> /opt/takipi
sudo chmod ...
Start the application JVM
(it should be already configured to point to the collector from previous install)
Watch logs for any warnings or errors -
Verify functionality in OO dashboard
Verify your upgrade
Updated almost 3 years ago