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Using OverOps in Your Java System
Getting Started
Introduction to OverOps
Compatibility and Prerequisites
Java Micro-Agent Compatibility and Requirements
.NET Micro-Agent Compatibility and Requirements
OverOps Installation Prerequisites
Using OverOps in Your Java System
Using OverOps in Your .NET System
OverOps Support and Community
Deployment Options
SaaS Installation
On-Premises Installation
On-Premises Data Installation
Getting started with OverOps
Release Notes
What's New in 4.80
Previous Versions
Install OverOps
OverOps Installation
Generate an Installation Key
Add an Environment
Install on Your PC or Laptop
OverOps for Java on Linux
OverOps for Java on Windows
OverOps for Java on macOS
OverOps for .NET on Windows
On-Premises - Install Analysis Server
Install Analysis Server on a Local Server
Install Analysis Server in Docker
Install Analysis Server in Kubernetes with Helm
Install Analysis Server in Kubernetes
Install Analysis Server using Deb Installer
Install Analysis Server using RPM Installer
Configure the Database
Customize the Installation Directory Path
On-Premises Data - Install a Variable Store
Install a Variable Store on a Local Server
Install a Variable Store in Docker
Install a Variable Store on AWS S3
Install a Variable Store on S3 with AWS Lambda
Enable Connectivity over HTTP
Enable HTTPS
Verify the Installation
Java Installation
OverOps for Java
Install a Collector for Java
Install a Collector on Linux
Install a Collector on Windows
Install a Collector in Docker
Install a Collector in Kubernetes
Install a Multi-Environment Collector for Java
Stop/Start the Java Collector
Install a Collector in Kubernetes with Helm
Install a Java Micro-Agent
Install a Java Micro-Agent on Linux
Install a Java Micro-Agent on Windows
Attach the Java Micro-Agent
JVM in a Docker Container
JVM in Kubernetes with Helm
JVM in a Kubernetes Container
Standalone JVM
Play Framework
Test the Installation
Java Deployment Automation for On-Premises
Install Collector and/or Agent using RPM
Install Collector/Agent using Deb
Install Using Chef
Install Using Puppet
Install Using Ansible
Install Using SaltStack
Install Using AWS ElasticBeanstalk
Install Using Heroku
.NET Installation
OverOps for .NET
Install a Collector for .NET
Install a Collector on Windows
Install a Collector on Linux
Install a Multi-Environment Collector in .NET
Stop/Start the .NET Collector
Install a .NET Micro-Agent
Install a .NET Micro-Agent for IIS and Standalone Applications
Install a .NET Micro-Agent Using the Azure App Service
Attach the .NET Micro-Agent
Install .NET Using Puppet
Advanced Setup
Multiple Servers Installation
Collector High Availability
On-Premises Data Advanced Settings
Load the Trusted Storage Server Certificate to the Collector's Java Keystore (Optional)
Attaching an IAM Role to a EC2 Instance
Changing Default Ports
Variable Store Cleanup to Free up Space
Variable Store Data Backup
Variable Store High Availability
On-Premises Advanced Settings
Systemd Linux Service Manager
Email Configuration for the Analysis Server (Continuous Reliability Server) - On-Premises
Backup Configuration for On-Premises
SAML Configuration for On-Premises
Redis for On-Premises
Kerberos for On-Premises
On-Premises - Data Retention and Archiving
Reset User Password - for On-Premises
Installation Key Modifications - for On-Premises
Command Line Arguments for On-Premises (Docker) Server
Command Line Arguments for On-Premises Servers
Installing the Reliability Dashboards
AuthProxy Authentication
Latest Installation Packages Versions
Upgrade OverOps
Upgrading the SaaS Collector and Micro-Agent on Your Local PC/Laptop
Upgrade the Linux Collector
Upgrade the Windows Collector
Upgrade the Java Micro-Agent for Linux
Upgrade the Java & .NET Micro-Agent for Windows
Upgrade the On-Premises CR Server
Upgrade the Variable Store
Test Your Upgrade
Uninstall OverOps
Wiping an On-Premises Linux Collector's Data
Re-Installing OverOps
OverOps Product End of Life Policy
OverOps Product End of Life Policy
Java Agent Properties
.NET Agent Properties
Collector Properties
Collector Throttling
Collector Installation Options
Installation Properties
Naming the Application, Server, and Deployment
Customizing the Data Recording Depth
Monitor / Exclude 3rd Party Libraries
Java 3rd Party Packages
.NET 3rd Party Namespaces
Java Banned Classes List
.NET Banned Classes List
OverOps Security Protocols
Managing Data Redaction
Access Control
Configure LDAP for On-Premises Deployments
Support for Single Sign-on Using SAML
Collector-Micro-Agent Secure Communication
4.53 SAML Security Updates
Account Settings
API Token
Settings Dashboard
Manage Environments
Manage Team Members
Configuring Multiple Applications in a Single Environment (App Tier Routing)
Admin Category (Admins Only)
Ignore Exceptions
Email Settings
Super Admin Role for On-Premises Deployments
Attaching Git Repository
Reliability Dashboard
Introduction to the Reliability Dashboard
Scorecard Dashboard
How to Calculate the Reliability Score
Site Reliability Dashboard
Errors Dashboard
New Errors
Increasing Errors
Unique Errors
Event Diff Dashboard
Trend Dashboard
Event Feed
Manage Alerts
Connect External Grafana Instances to OverOps
Event Explorer
Introduction to the Event Explorer
Event List
Stack Only Events
Views Pane
Add Alerts
Filtering Exceptions
Event Graph
Manage Event Visibility/Hide Events
Marking Events as Resolved
User Defined Functions (UDFs)
User Defined Function Parameters
Upload Alert Functions/Channel Functions (Admins Only)
Synchronizing from Jira Back to OverOps
Searching the Dashboard
One-Click Options
Event Types
Slowdown Capabilities
Missing Slowdown Snapshots
Automatic Timers and Slowdown Snapshots
Timer Events
Resolving Errors
Introduction to Automated Root Cause
Opening the ARC Analysis Screen
Displaying Variables and Objects
Trace the Error's Path in the Call Stack
Entry Point Customization
Add Prioritized and Deprioritized Entry Points
Best Practices for Entry Points
Using Exception Tiny Links
3rd Party Methods and Libraries
Impact of blacklisted libraries and classes
Initial Code Analysis
Viewing .NET Source Code
Log View
Env View
ARC Search
Deployment Names in .NET
Attaching Git Repositories
Introduction to OverOps Integrations
Jira Integration
ServiceNow Integration
Hipchat Integration
Slack Integration
PagerDuty Integration
CI/CD Pipeline Integrations
OverOps Quality Gates
Configure CI/CD Pipeline Quality Gates
SonarQube Integration
Automate CI/CD Quality Gates
Log Management Integrations
Microsoft Teams Integration
APM Integrations (Java Only)
AppDynamics Integration
Dynatrace Integration
New Relic Integration
Microsoft Azure Boards
Reporting and Publishing Metrics
Publishing Metrics
Configure 3rd-Party StatsD Services
AWS CloudWatch
Hosted Graphite
Splunk Application
Outgoing Webhook
Rational Team Concert JAZZ CCM Webhook
OverOps WebHook Example
VictorOps Webhook
Rally (CA-Agile Central) Webhook
Pivotal Tracker Webhook
Build Tools (for Java)
Build Tools